         US AIR FORCE (1952-1966)
ID# under 999 are for those  that  have communicated and asked to be listed  (currently 845 members)
ID#  wirh 1st digit 9 is for deceased members. The prefix 9  is added to he original ID#
ID in 5xxx and 6xxx format have been found in old orders but have not communicated .  (currently 969 in number)
 - It also indicates the year range of the orders, i.e., 5657 is for years 56-57 61xx for 1961 etc
ID# in the 8000's is for alumni only known via old orders or verified by other means  
ID# beginning with a is for close associates and family members.
                                   **Only the webmaster can make changes to this list** 
             send  updates to harryhat2@msn.com with  kirknewton in the subject line
Latest  updates Updated
74 Hathhorn Harry updated   9/12/2024 2
339 Rounsevell Larry updated  9/12/2024
9278 Blair Jack updated-deceased  8/5/2024
98144 Dunford Donald updated-deceased  6/24/2024
98143 Prater Frank updated-deceased 6/17/2024
9671 Craven Jack updated-deceased 6/9/2024
9226 Dee Eddie updated-deceased 4/18/2024
  Alumni List    
ID # Last Name  First Name  MI Spouse Tour Mo Yr Mo Yr AFSC or Duties Email Address (or other Info) Last Name First Name                        Steet City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Updated
342 Aaron Bertram S x 59 x 61 x   Aaron Bertram 1001 Woodcrest Drive Harrah OK 73045 5/25/2021
230 Abee Lanny   Nov 61 Dec 64 207x1 Able flt lrabee@netzero.net       San Antonio TX    210-673-4523 9/27/2006
9061 Achey  Kenneth (deceased)  C Irene Nov 53 Oct 56 x leithwalk16@hotmail.com Achey Irene   661 Lorraine Ave. Manheim PA 17545  717-665-3054 7/9/2015
61xx Acles Melvin L x 61 x x 6952nd orders 27-Apr-61 The Villages FL 8/2/2020
64xx Adams Kelley J x 64 x x Z29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
698 Adams Kelley Oct 62 Jun 64 29251 kadams5@bellsouth.net Baton Rouge LA 2/6/2009
98088 Adams Oley (deceased) N x  56 Jan 61 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & 07-May-59 & www.vvfm.org & vietnam C-130 crash Green City MO 11/13/2018
92 Adams  Albert  J Anne tour1 x 58 x 63 292x1   AAdams9130@aol.com Adams Albert  93 Bay State Rd. Chicopee MA 01020-1522  413-533-7812 2/25/2004
92 Adams  Albert   J Anne tour2 x 64 x 65 292x1   AAdams9130@aol.com 2/25/2004
219 Adams  Don  Toni Aug 59 Sep 61 Radio Maint.   adams3940@gmail.com Adams Don 505 South Dahlia Court Lompoc CA 93436   805-588-8582 7/14/2019
343 Adkins Lonnie Marcy D. x 59 x 64 29251 marlon@alaska.net Adkins Lonnie 3220 West 79th Ave. Anchorage AK 99518  907-243-8938
86 Adkinson Jim Joan   Jan 62 Jan 65 Able X1   jopar3@aol.com               4/22/2008
64xx Adler Terence R x 64 x x 3530C SO P-18 6Feb64
672 Ahlert Denny  61 May 63 29251 ahlert36@msn.com 9/11/2007
9773 Alberstein Nathan (deceased) J Susan x 60 x 63 29252   Visalia CA 8/27/2015
60xx Aldridge Edison M x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 The Villages FL? 12/26/2010
55xx Alexander Leonard J. x 55 x x A/2c SO #74-7May55
143 Alfano  Armando (Al)   Jeanette   x 52 x 55 ABS HQ     Alfano Armando P.O. Box 37, 1 Third St. Biddeford Pool ME 04006  207-282-1406 1/8/2002
61xx Allan Charles N x 61 x x 29232 SO Number B-96
304 Allard Eugene  E Donna Apr 60 May 61 Non-morse Int,  genoall@yahoo.com Allard Eugene 194 Abbe Rd Enfield CT 06082  860-749-9226 3/19/2003
6162 Allen Donald W x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
64xx Allen Jimmie J x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
5657 Allen Leon C x  56 Jan 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Allen Paul B x 61 Feb 63 20250 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
5657 Allen Ronald D x  56 Nov 58 30452A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
727 Allen Sid x 58 x 60 x no email  Allen Sid 1500 Wofford Dr Burnet TX 78611 512-756-1208 11/23/2009
61xx Allen Theodore E x 61 Oct 62 29251 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61  
9032 Allen  Ralph (deceased) A (aka Shorty)   Oct 60 Oct 62 Charlie Flt           Jane Lew WV     11/21/2015
210 Allen  William  Jul 63 Aug 65 Com Specialist                603-422-7398 2/3/2006
98096 Allhiser Raymond (deceased) W Helen (deceased) x 60 Apr 63 29151 6952nd orders 15-Apr-60, obituary Rio Grande NJ 08242 11/29/2019
289 Alwert Robert (Bob) A Loretta x 53 x 56 x rala1959@att.net Alwert Robert (Bob) 2714 Stratford Dr. Enid OK 73703  580-234-8456 12/11/2009
63xx Amoriell James  W   x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63, people search Mount Airy MD 11/29/2019
60xx Amos Fred E x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 15-Sep-60 12/26/2010
60xx Amundson David W x 60 Mar 61 20270 6952nd orders 15-Apr-60
9693 Amundson Maynard (deceased) R x 53 x 54 x email and public records Milwaukee WI 11/8/2021
5657 Andersen Robert A x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57  
9184 Anderson Cliff (deceased) Alice   x 56 x 58 Dispensary           Tepic MX   6/1/2020
5657 Anderson Edward C x  56 Jan 58 30472 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Anderson Marlowe D x  56 Jun 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
64xx Anderson Robert C x 64 x x 70250 SO P-51 10Jun64
64xx Anderson Steven E x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
61xx Anderson William, Jr x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
5657 Andrisen Joseph E x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Anthony Leslie F x 60 x x 75150 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
98081 Antonelli Michael (deceased) A   x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55 FL 4/10/2018
5657 Aoki Donald T x  56 May 57 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 Torrance CA
98123 Apodaca Francisco (deceased) A Sylvia (deceased) x  56 May 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56, obituary, Arlington Springfield VA 22512 2/3/2022
9685 Appleby William (deceased) Carol Jul 62 Aug 64 Morse Intercept Operator   6/22/2018
344 Arangua Jean x x x x x unknown Arangua Jean 7909 Prince Georges Dr Fort Washington MD 20744
631 Arbuckle Edward (Bill) W. x 53 x 56 Radio Op, Chief Analyst, shifts A,B, & C claraed33@msn.com      925-586-1448 6/9/2008
55xx Archibald Charles J x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55  
345 Arevalo Michael Lillian x 60 x 64 x (760) 446-7775 Arevalo Michael 733 W. Reeves Ave. Ridgecrest CA 93555  760-446-7775
346 Arington Wes x x x x x (210) 653-8795 Arington Wes 8910 Willow Way San Antonio TX 78239  210-653-8795
770 Armstrong Phil   Julie Aug 64 Jun 66 Non Morse Intercept Op pmarmstrong@gmail.com Des Moines IA 7/9/2011
768 Arnett David L Mary (May) x 62 x 64 Radio Operator,  Delta Flt   Arnett David 2533 Lyons Rd Camillus NY 10031 315-673-4459 6/10/2011
55xx Arnold Herbert N. x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
55xx Arnold William E. x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
824 Arnold   Glen Jan 63 Jul 64 D trick, 29252 a_glen@bellsouth.net Simpson LA 7/29/2016
348 Arnold, Jr. Clarence B x 53 x x Dog Trick (954)563-5072 Arnold, Jr. Clarence 2148 NE Drive, Wilton Manors Ft. Lauderdale FL 33306  954-563-5072
5657 Aronhalt Edwin R x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
778 Arrollo Gabriel F Dolores Jan 64 May 65  Non Morse Intercept - C Flt hotnana1@juno.com Arrollo Gabriel 1772 Colwyn Ave Highland CA 92346 909-425-8768 909-649-2165 11/8/2011
61xx Arsenault Paul A x 61 May 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
98000 Asay Gene (deceased) K x 55 x x died in boating accicent in Scotland 6/9/2008
349 Ash John (Bill) W x 56 x 59 29351 billash@bradfieldproperties.com Ash Bill 13602 Landmark Hill San Antonio TX 78217 210-508-3499 5/7/2012
98118 Asleson  George (deceased) D. x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55, public records 11/10/2021
740 Atkins James Jun 61 Jun 64 non morse, Charlie Flt jatkins2@sc.rr.com 4/28/2010
61xx Atkinson Jerry F x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
62xx Auch Lester H x 62 Feb 62 x 6952nd orders 24-July-62
55xx Auer George J x  55 Mar 58 20250 SO #74-7May55
60xx Auger Roger J x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Oct-60 12/26/2010
350 Austin Robert x x x x x (228) 875-0948 Austin Robert 2447 Davidson Road Ocean Springs MS 39564  228-875-0948
5657 Avery Clifford C x  56 Feb 59 36371A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
789 Ayers Richard M Judith Jan 55 Jun 56 Personnel - days ayersdj@aol.com Ayers Richard 5132 Weber Road Smpjp,osj WA 98290 6/2/2012
55xx Bahr  Robert L. x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
61xx Bailey John R x 61 May 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
61xx Bailey Norma H   x 61 x x 64670 6952nd orders 31-May-61
55xx Bailey Samuel E x  55 Jul 57 56150 SO #74-7May55
351 Baker Donald x x x x x (209) 951-7842 Baker Donald 6035 Carolina Circle Stockton CA 95219  209-951-7842
5657 Baker Theodore L x  56 Aug 58 46250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
42 Baker  Robert (Bob)  P   x 62 x 63 x2 on Dog   rbaker0792@charter.net Baker Robert 296 Barrett Hill Rd. Brooklyn CT 06234 4/16/2010
5657 Baldree Robert A x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Baldwin  James F. x 55 x x A/2C SO #74-7May55
5657 Ballard Joad L x  56 Jan 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9352 Baluh Ray (deceased)  B Eileen   x 53 x 56 x (210)673-6141 Baluh Eileen 1826 Fort Henry San Antonio TX 78245  210-673-6141
98137 Bamer Donald(deceased) R x  56 Mar 59 36150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56, obituary Tulsa OK 4/7/2024
63xx Bankston Jere C x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
5657 Bannen Walter x  56 Jun 58 70230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
64xx Barbieri John x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
5657 Barclay Donald W     x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
746 Barco Steven J x 63 x 65 202x0, Delta Flt stevenbarco@att.net 7/31/2010
63xx Barkley Stephan J x 63 Jun 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
5657 Barnes Charles C x  56 Aug 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
189 Barnes Joseph  Gwen   x 61 x 64 Admin Specialist Easy Flt - Exploitation Office       12/19/2000
6465 Barnes Richard x 64 x x 7535th Dispensary Base Photo 2/3/2009
353 Barr Bruce H. Patricia (deceased) x 54 x 57 x (941)792-4482 Barr Bruce 4403 22nd Ave. W. Bradenton FL 34209-5723  941-792-4482 4/11/2018
9354 Barr William (deceased) R (Deceased) x 52 x 55 MSGT NCOIC Exploitation Base Photo/death is word from others              
84 Barrett Ed  P Doreene   Oct 58 Jul 62 29251 Dog edbarr1936@gmail.com Barrett Edward  9326 Lamerton San Antonio TX 78250  210-684-7957 6/2/2012
98142 Barrientos Antonio(deceased) E x  56 Jan 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56, obit Mi 5/5/2024
326 Bartelli James (JIm)  R Isobel(deceased) Dec 56 Nov 59 Morse Int. Operator, Baker Trick jrbipb@ckt.net Bartelli James 314 W Northern Ave Girard KS 66743  620-724-4389 5/5/2024
61xx Bartels John F x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
799 Bartkiewicz Joseph, Jr J Jun 60 Oct 63 Non Morse Intercept jjbabs2227@aol.com Bartkiewicz Joseph 10062 Siesta Bay Dr #9622 Naples FL 34120 239-560-5581 5/17/2013
98056 Bartle Douglas (deceased) M x 56 x x 202xx, Dog Trick   12/20/2009
98121 Bartolett  Phaon (deceased) D. Margaret[1] x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55, obituary San Antonio TX 2/2/2022
632 Bartrand Louis  E Moira Mid 53 x 56 B & D Flights lbartrand@comcast.net Bartrand Louis 509 E. Neptune Drive Oak Harbor WA 98277-7921 7/6/2018
340 Bass James    May 61 Jun 64 Personnel HQ docjames2@gmail.com     8/26/2008
9243 Batten Jim (deceased)  Carolyn Jul 60 Jun 62 D Flt ? cswike@hotmail.com     10/19/2001
673 Bauman Don Apr 59 Apr 62 292x2 Baker Trick don.sharon@verizon.net Bauman Don 2934 Ridgewood Drive Grapevine TX 76051  817-416-8410 6/26/2008
6162 Bauman Joseph A x 61 x x 73230 various orders 61-62
60xx Bautro Noel T x 60 Feb 61 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60 MD
815 Baxter David V Helen (deceased) x  56 Aug 58 70250 no email  12/29/2014
5657 Bearden Auther W x  56 Mar 58 20130 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
355 Beatty Bern x 61 x 62 x Bern.Beatty@mba.wfu.edu Beatty Bern P.O. Box 44 Pinnacle NC 27043
61xx Beaulieu Arthur L x 61 Jan 62 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
98122 Beausoleil Robert (deceased) J. x 62 x 64 x2 D Flt posted picture, public records Tucson AZ 2/2/2022
356 Beck Gerald W. x 53 x 56 x (920) 488-2783      920-488-2783
55xx Beck Robert W. x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
132 Beck  Iver  L Evelyn   Jan 60 Jan 63 X2 Dog     Beck Iver 3636 Hazelmoor Place Minnetonka MN 55345  612-475-0431 2/28/2005
65xx Becker Douglas A x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
9246 Bedient Conrad (Ken) (deceased) K Shirle Apr 54 Apr 57 Traffic Analyst D Flt        FL 5/19/2021
a58 Bednar Charles (son of Dick Bednar) charliebednar@hotmail.com 12/1/2012
795 Bednar Dick D x 52 x 53 7935th Instillation Officer 12/1/2012
263 Beets Don  E. Margaret Jul 53 Mar 57 S&W Supv then 202 d.e.beets@talk21.com Beets Don 67 Blackmore Letchworth, Herts UK SG6 2SZ -683340 1/22/2005
59xx Beevers James E x 59 Jan 61 29280 6952nd orders 07-May-59
357 Belcher Ken B x 53 x 56 x unknown Belcher Ken 18045 Italy Rd. Camp Douglas WI 54618-4577  608-372-4577
64xx Belcher Lloyd W x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
119 Belding  Bob  D Cathie   Aug 62 May 63 202 Able     Belding Robert 615 Oakvalley Dr. Kerrville TX 78028  830-896-2256 11/6/2000
5657 Bell Bernie D x  56 May 58 36351A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98059 Bellmyer Bill (deceased) G x 61 x 64 AP from others 8/27/2010
62xx Below Arthur C x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
62xx Benavide Vincente (Benny) J x 62 x x x per Ron Krause
55xx Benbow John R. x 55 x x 2/Lt, OIC Ops-2B SO #74-7May55
358 Benham Jean x x x x x (210) 673-8644 Benham Jean 7406 Stonehouse San Antonio TX 78227  210-673-8644
98074 Bennett Clyde (deceased) x 61 aug 65 Crypto 4/11/2016
61xx Bennett Dennis R x 61 Dec 61 62250 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
62xx Bennett John W x 62 May 62 20250 6952nd orders 10-Apr-62
60xx Benning Allan R x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
5657 Benson Jimmie D x  56 Mar 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
63xx Bente Henry L x 63 Sep 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
359 Bergeron Robert (Bob) H x 55 x x x (344)968-5484 Bergeron Bob Box 348 Gulf Shores AL 36547  344-968-5484
9004 Bessler  George (deceased) E Toni (deceased)   x 54 x 59 Dog and Day Flt           Everett  MA       2/4/2022
98065 Bethea Walter (deceased) x x x x x Per Charles Jenkins 9/14/2011
170 Bettag  Lawrence (Larry) G Valerie   Sep 56 Feb 58 R291x1 Comm Center Spec. B & D Shift larry_val@btinternet.com Bettag Lawrence Flat 1 -  St Helens Court         Cotmaton Road Sidmouth,  Devon UK EX10 8SS 2/23/2018
360 Beyette Horace  H x 55 x x Major, Personnel Officer PAM #23 18Mar55     bad address         3/27/2008
60xx Bible Clifford C x 60 x x C36350B 6952nd orders 16-Mar-60 12/26/2010
622 Bieber William (Bill) R x 60 x 63 20270 hawki1@comcast.net Bieber William (Bill) 3614 Long Ridge Ct Abingdon MD 21009  410-515-2119 4/7/2005
9261 Biggerstaff Carl (Al) (deceased) A Patsy J. May 60 Jun 63 29370 and 29252   Biggerstaff Patsy 2455 Stanton Street San Angelo TX 76901-1241  325-949-8896 7/15/2011
361 Bingham Billy J x x x x x (703)451-7386 Bingham Billy 7014 Cottontail Court Springfield VA 22153  703-451-7386
241 Bingham James J Jun 59 Jun 62 Ditty Bopper, D Flt       10/1/2001
60xx Bingham Perry J x 60 x x 7024 6952nd orders 15-Apr-60  
65xx Birdaee Charles A x 65 x x NCO Club Secretary Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
60xx Bishop Galen R x 60 x x 36350B 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
59xx Bishop Otis x 59 x xx 73270 6952nd orders 07-May-59
98002 Bitner John (deceased) x 61 x x x various orders 61-62 6/9/2008
55xx Black Frederick x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
5657 Blackburn Joe E x 56 x x 22330 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57 Poteet TX
9278 Blair Jack(deceased) H Joy May 60 Feb 63 Y202 Able Flt  obit       Germantown TN 38138   8/5/2024
352 Blair Richard A x 55 x x 29351 (210)688-3735 Blair Richard 14920 Cartwright Trail San Antonio TX 78253  210-688-3735
362 Blieess Steven x x x x x (651)770-0050 Blieess Steven 6788  37th N. Oakdale MN 55109  651-770-0050
61xx Blouse Terry J x 61 Jan 64 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
363 Bluhm Glenn W Carol A. x x x x x unknown Bluhm Glenn 23684 Merceola Rd. Reed City MI 49677
9831 Boatman Charles (deceased) T x x x 55 Morse Intercept Op per his son, and obit McMinnville TN 2/12/2021
55xx Boaz William J x 55 x x 1LT Tech Services Tech services photo
183 Boddy Roger (Mike) M Connie   Jan 64 x 66 Engineering rcboddy@aol.com Boddy Roger (Mike) 224 Russell Lane Hewitt TX 76643-3419  254-749-8342 11/26/2000
55xx Boles Carl G x 55 x x Tech Services 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
8091 Bollenbach Frank S x 61 x x 30452 Raido Maintenance various orders 61-62 and obiturary FL 7/14/2019
a1 Bolton Barbara Kermack barbara_bolton@hotmail.com Bolton Barbara Kermack Bolton-Nether Dechmont Farm, Fells Rigg Livingston, Scotland UK EH54 8AX
9826 Bolton Bobby (deceased) D x 58 Aug 62 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61 & his son Trussville AL 8/31/2015
364 Bolton David x x x x x       bad address         3/27/2008
5657 Bond Herbert, Jr W x  56 Jan 59 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Bonham  James R x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
627 Bonts David Jul 61 Jul 64 x dbonts@cox.net 7/8/2005
5657 Boomhower Kenneth D x  56 x x 20250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
9365 Borak Donald (deceased) J Sandra Jan 58 Aug 63 29251 donb@3mark.com Borak Sandra 3915 Heights Way San Antonio TX 78230  210-408-1755 2/5/2015
669 Borytsky Joe   x 55 x 58 29351 jboritski@gmail.com 4/16/2007
29 Boslett  Bill  J Dolly   x 53 x 55 x   billboslett@cox.net Boslett William (Bill) 3032 Villas Creek CT Edmond  OK 73003-4013  405-348-9450 3/26/2008
60xx Bostick Wille O x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
9807 Bounds Damon (deceased) D x 60 Sep 62 29252, B Flt Per orders and friends 8/21/2013
65xx Bourassa Lawrence   W x 65 x x Air Police Officer Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
5557 Bourdon Thomas, Jr C x  55 Sep 57 77150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
702 Bowers Bill H Patricia (deceased) Feb 62 Mar 66 Flt Cmdr, Exploit Officer, Asst Ops Officer jake1456@verizon.net 2/20/2009
214 Bowlby  Cliff  Lillian Apr 59 May 62 202 on A Flt xdaclb@msn.com Bowlby Cliff 2913 W. Apollo Road Garland TX 75044 2/17/2001
80 Bowlby  Frank    x 64 x 65 Able Flt   CMSgtFrank@aol.com    
98058 Bowman Dennis (deceased) P x 53 x 55 Morse Intercept Op, C Trick per an old friend 7/26/2010
60xx Bowney James R x 60 x x 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
366 Boyer Millard D Linda (deceased) x 53 x 56 x (570)966-4677 Boyer Millard 288 Walnut St. Mifflinburg PA 17844  570-966-4677
5657 Boyett Joe W x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
65xx Boyette James D x 65 x x Legal Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
218 Bracher Phillip (Phil) E x 65 x 66 Com & Maint. Officer phillip.bracher@verizon.net     VA 703-855-4778 7/9/2018
5657 Bradbury Edward W x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
98044 Bradley Jesse (deceased) x 53 x 56 x per Woody Woodward 8/22/2008
5657 Brady Raymond P x  56 Apr 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
43 Branagan  John (deceased) E Helen   Mar 54 Aug 57 Radio Maint.   JEBHWB@aol.com     1103 Ellison Drive San Antonio TX 78245  210-674-6299 8/29/2015
5657 Brandt Jerry D x  56 Jul 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
a2 Brannam Jean Brannam Jean 6002 Merrydale Drive Reidland, Paduccah KY 42001
56xx Brasier "Tex" x 56 x x x per alumni
63xx Brass Ernest N x 63 Oct 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
61xx Brawley William H x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
367 Brayboy Donald x 61 Jun 62 73230 (205) 925-0774 Brayboy Donald 1673 Alameda Ave. Birmingham AL 35211  205-925-0774
65xx Breachears Dougas E x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
9041 Breaux  Ernest (deceased) J Lilian    May 54 Jul 56 Intercept Operator, D Trick   Breaux Lilian 112 Wicklowe Road Lafayette LA 70503-3650  337-984-4657 5/29/2018
5557 Breedlove Edwin N x  55 Oct 57 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5557 Brendel William H x  55 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
60xx Brew Girard F Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
5657 Breyer James L x  56 Jul 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
368 Bridges Curtis R x x x x x (303)771-0868 Bridges Curtis 6918 E. Briarwood  Dr. Englewood CO 80112  303-771-0868
59 Briggs  Charles  V   Feb 60 Feb 63 Comm Cntr   cvbriggs@bellsouth.net Briggs Charles 334 Valley View Rd. Dover TN  37058-3734  931-232-7911 4/17/2007
98003 Briggs  William (deceased) Apr 60 Jun 62 29251 6/9/2008
336 Brigman James  May 62 Apr 64 Dog Flt   jbrigman@webtv.net     4/1/2004
272 Briles Bob    J Kathleen Nov 53 Oct 56 x bobkat60@sbcglobal.net Briles Bob 1665 S. Sunrise Nashville IL 62263  618-327-8496 1/19/2004
760 Brinda Donald M Dianne K. addr1 Feb 64 Feb 66 x danddbrinda@aol.com Donald Brinda 10255 Nevens Ave. NW South Haven MN 55382 928-287-6662 3/6/2011
760 Brinda Donald M Dianne K. addr2 Feb 64 Feb 66 x danddbrinda@aol.com Donald Brinda 9797 E. 32nd St #591 Yuma AZ 85365 928-287-6662 3/6/2011
719 Briner Bruce D.   Jun 64 Feb 66 Non Morse Intercept Op   Reading Pa 610-736-0211 7/6/2018
176 Britt Gene H Jean   May 56 Jun 58 X2 on Dog Flt ghbritt@cox.net Britt Gene 102 Water Drive Warner Robins GA 31088  912-953-3447 6/3/2004
9302 Brock Kenneth (deceased)  Pat Jul 59 Jul 61 Intercept Operator webebrocks@att.net         2/16/2003
64xx Brooks Caro E x 64 x x x SO P-51 10Jun64
61xx Brooks Charles H x 61 Apr 62 29251 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
61xx Brooks Martin G x 61 Nov 62 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
5657 Brooks McKinley, Jr x  56 Mar 59 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Brooks Richard J x  56 Mar 58 77150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Brothers Gene L x 61 May 63 20250 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
369 Brouillette Raymond T Lillian Mar 60 Mar 64 202 Easy Flt rayandlil@juno.com Brouillette Raymond 6016 Creekview Ct Harrisburg NC 28075  704-454-7734 11/12/2006
9744 Brower David (deceased) A Jul 63 May 65 Non Morse Intercept R&D         Mankato MN 56001   1/21/2020
5657 Brown Alan x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
61xx Brown Barry E x 61 x x 29232 SO Number B-96
291 Brown Bob  Frances x 63 x 65 D Shift , Air Police bobfrances@suddenlink.net Brown Bob P.O. Box 14574, 3000 Magnolia Dr New Bern NC 28561 910-375-1207 1/9/2012
5657 Brown Carl W x  56 x x 20250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
61xx Brown David I x 61 x x 29232 SO Number B-96
61xx Brown Donald R x 61 Aug 62 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
782 Brown J. W Laura Dec 56 Aug 59 Comm 29270 Delta Flt lrbrwn773@gmail.com Brown J.W. 150 Memorial Dr Maryville TN 37803 865-982-5155 2/13/2012
55xx Brown Jimmy R x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
98062 Brown Melvin (deceased) & x 59 x 61 Food Service 11/28/2010
9370 Brown Richard (deceased) x  56 Jun 58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56             6/10/2008
371 Brown Theodore   x 62 x 64 x (205) 925-8400 Brown Theodore 2421 Powderly Ave.  S.W. Birmingham AL 35211  205-925-8400
5557 Brown Vernon C x  55 x x 29250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
62xx Brown Vernon L. Sheila x 62 x x x per records search/other alumni  Sarasota FL 34233 9/1/2022
9372 Browning Wm (Art) (deceased)   A Lyn x 53 x 54 x (918)743-9089 Browning Lyn 1211 E. 27th Place Tulsa OK 74114  918-743-9089 8/15/2012
55xx Brune  Elmer L x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
60xx Bruno Paul S x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
61xx Bruntz Duane A x 61 Dec 62 29232 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
55xx Bruse  Le Roy W x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Bryan Edwin J x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
60xx Bryant Norman L x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
5657 Bryant Tommie C x  56 Jan 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Bryant  Edwin J x  56 x x 64151 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
65xx Buckberry Marvin S x 65 x x Base Engineer Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
5657 Buckworth Donald C x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 MD
9069 Budacz  Edward (deceased)  J   Nov 53 Oct 56 293x0 Charlie             MD    
a55 Budar Linda (was married to Mark Wayne Crouch (62-63)) 9/14/2011
49 Budington  Al  I   Jun 62 Apr 64 292x1 Charlie Flt   eahs61@gmail.com Budington Allan 335 Mahota Dr. San Antonio TX 78227  210-674-3499 2/22/2001
64xx Bue Brian D x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Bulzer Johnny x 55 x x 6952nd orders 07-Feb-56
64xx Burd  Billy R x 64 x x SSGT SO P-18 6Feb64
60xx Burdick Douglas, Jr J x 60 x x 77150 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
5657 Burger Leroy L x  56 Jan 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Burgess LLoyd A x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
98116 Burgess Millard (deceased) F Aileen (deceased) x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55 & obituary Jackson MS 6/20/2021
201 Burke John  Anna x 54 x 56 x johnannab@juno.com Burke John  3482 Astoria Circle Fairfield CA 94533 2/22/2001
5657 Burke Kenneth M Clara x  56 Jun 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Burks George E x  56 Feb 58 29130 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
373 Burley Clarence Jacqueline x x x x x (330)744-7635 Burley Clarence 3130 Oak St  Ext. Youngstown OH 44505  330-744-7635
9007 Burnet  Paul (deceased0 E Irene   x 60 x 63 292x1 Dog Flt     Burnet Irenne 25 Sarah Ave Springfield IL 62703  217-585-1912 3/20/2020
60xx Burns Hansel L x 60 x x 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
172 Burrill Robert  (Bob)   May 64 Aug 65 292x1 Dog Flt bobburrill@hotmail.com       11/23/2003
5657 Burris Donald D x  56 May 59 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Burroughs Donald D x  56 Mar 58 20130 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
62xx Busboom Larry D x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
55xx Bush  Norville R x 55 x x xx SO #74-7May55
110 Busse  LeRoy (Bus)  W Nancy   Nov 53 Apr 57 Dog Flt   leroy.busse@yahoo.com Busse Leroy 718 13th Street Clay Center KS 67432  785-632-6703 2/8/2005
374 Bussey Herman x x x x x (707) 425-9132 Bussey Herman 2518 Valley Oakway Fairfield CA 94533  707-425-9132
a3 Bussey Lorraine             4/22/2008
9076 Byrd  Clarence (deceased) F x 58 x 59 Power Plant           MdDonough GA   7/8/2018
60xx Cable James C x 60 Oct 61 29251 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
62xx Cable Richard A x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
61xx Caddle Gerald L x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
55xx Cahoe  William H x 55 x x Captain SO #74-7May55
55xx Callahan Robert x 55 x x Captain, Asst OIC Comm SO #74-7May55
9008 Callahan  Francis (deceased) B Colene x 60 x 63 702x0 Ops Off     Callahan Colene 428 Shelley Ave. Shelley ID 83274-1244  208-357-7431 2/23/2020
98119 Callanan, Jr Michael (deceased) J Tulia x 57 x 60 x 12/26/2021
9375 Cambridge Dave (deceased) J Hannah-Deceased Jul 53 Oct 56 292x1 Baker Flt          San Antonio TX 78247     4/11/2019
55xx Cameron  Sidney M x 55 x x 2/LT, Asst OIC Tech Services SO #74-7May55
61xx Campbell Marvin W x 61 x x 29252 6952nd orders 25-July-61
9376 Campbell R C (deceased) Margie x 56 x x x Radio Maintenance         TX     1/10/2018
694 Campion Larry   Dec 56 Dec 57 29331 Whatroughbeast1@msn.com 10/16/2008
61xx Campisi Victor M x 61 Jun 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
55xx Canfield  Robert D x 55 x x Captain, OIC OPS-3 SO #74-7May55
5657 Cannon Kirby J x  56 Jul 57 30452A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
62xx Capasso William A x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
64xx Caplin David R x 64 x x TSGT SO P-18 6Feb64
377 Caporale, Jr. Michael R Nancy(deceased) x 54 x 57 x (561)733-9983 Caporale, Jr. Michael 4485 Nutmeg Tree Lane Boynton Beach FL 33436  561-733-9983
161 Carew  Dave B May (deceased) x 60 x 64 Dog 202   davarew@hotmail.com Carew Dave 113 Tom Morris n Enterprise AL 36330 334-347-1099 7/7/2018
55xx Carley  Robert D x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
9321 Carlton Bill (deceased) S Stef Dec 60 Dec 62 Y203 Able Flt         Eliot ME 03903   4/26/2021
6162 Carnell Gary G x 61 x x 47131 various orders 61-62
60xx Carpenter James S x 60 Sep 62 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
55xx Carpenter Robert W x 55 x x 30450 SO #74-7May55
56xx Carpenter William S x 56 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
55xx Carper  Arthur H x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
60xx Carr Jack D x 60 Jan 61 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
733 Carr James, Jr Oct 57 Jun 62 29251 gp9scotia@aol.com Carr James 11201 N El Mirage Rd El Mirage AZ 85335-3104 623-398-7059 2/24/2010
378 Carr Richard J Anne x 53 x 55 x (480)963-4716               4/22/2008
106 Carrick  James  L Ann x 55 x 59 Dog Flt   nil - retired in Edinburgh        
379 Carrington Thomas L x 59 x 61 29252 (410)551-5860 Carrington Thomas 1337 Ava Road Severn MD 21144-3318  410-551-5860
5657 Carroll Elden D x  56 x x 36351A 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
60xx Carroll Joe M x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
5657 Carroll Roderick D x  56 May 59 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
623 Carroll Thomas May Fraser (dec) Nov 57 Nov 62 Tech Serv. Radio Maint. 5/11/2005
55xx Carson  Ira A x 55 x x 30450 SO #74-7May55
a4 Carter Irene Daughtery Carter Irene Daughtery 21 Girton Close Mildenhall UK    EX10855 1P287PT
55xx Carter Paul A x 55 x x 1/LT, Asst Adj SO #74-7May55
194 Case Harold (Bud) x 62 x 64 292x2   buddi@metrocast.net     Rochester NH 7/9/2018
380 Casey Kevin B x 54 x x x (630)920-1558 Casey Kevin 712 Andermann Lane Darien IL 60561  630-920-1558
63xx Caskey David W x 63 Jun 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
737 Cason Carswell E Sandra Feb 61 Mar 63 Y20250 C flt then days cecason@etcmail.com 4/2/2010
60xx Cass Thomas L Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
61xx Castle Paul L x 61 Jun 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
5657 Catterton John, Jr G x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Causey William, Jr C x  56 Sep 58 29150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Cave  Jackie D x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
5657 Cayton Leonard B x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
381 Cecil Bob G x  56 Aug 59 29370 unknown Cecil Bob 4815 Worthington Way Ellicott City MD 21043 2/23/2005
65xx Cecil Robert O x 65 x x Operations Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
382 Cellard Elizabeth x x x x x unknown             2/3/2006
61xx Cengia Robert W x 61 Oct 62 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
59xx Chacon Ralph M x 59 Mar 62 29232 6952nd orders 07-May-59
60xx Chance Michael L Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
5557 Chandler John L x  55 Oct 57 30472 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
722 Chapman Robert H Joy (deceased) Feb 54 x 55 Baker Flt rhchap@hotmail.com Chapman Robert 13047 Elk Run Rd Bealeton VA 22712-7325 12/9/2009
9675 Chapman William (deceased) J Jean Jun 60 Jun 63 292x2 Baker Flt   San Antonio TX 11/3/2015
742 Chappell Richard B x 59 Sep 62  29252, A Flt d.chappell@chapagency.com 804-288-3621 804-339-5654 11/7/2012
5557 Chaput Leon M x  55 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
56xx Charafi Smith (Pop) x 56 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
61xx Charbonnier Edward W x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
55xx Charvet Irenee A x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
61xx Chevalier Emmett W x 61 Jun 62 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
192 Childress Wayne Kathy x 61 x 64 292x1 Charlie Flt                817-466-0613 2/3/2006
383 Chissler William (Bill) T Molly x 55 x 59 x mollyc474@verizon.net Chissler Bill 19201 Vista Ln. -  B5 Indian Shores  FL 33785  727-596-6713
56xx Choca x 56 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
98086 Christensen David (deceased) F x 61 Nov 63 29232 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61 & other input Kildeer ND 9/20/2018
9725 Christie Hill (deceased) S x  56 Apr 59 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56/and Tom Todino 11/2/2009
5657 Cicero Francis, Jr A x  56 Aug 59 29130 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Cirafici  Aurelio x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
312 Cissel Jerry  Ina (deceased) Aug 54 Aug 58 tc cntrl, B flt, ncoic expltn CISSEL@COMCAST.NET Cissel Jerry 14581 Sherbrook Pl Nr 204 Ft. Myers FL 33912  239-561-0104 7/2/2003
64xx Cizio Thomas x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
699 Claflin Calvin  W x 60 x 63 24150A pegred01@yahoo.com 12/24/2008
98101 Clagg James (deceased) C Carole Ann (deceased) x  56 Dec 57 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56, death notice McAlester OK 8/1/2020
665 Clark Bob Joan x 62 x 63 292x2   2/4/2007
5657 Clark Doyle G x  56 Jun 59 25370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98075 Clark Herbert, Jr (deceased) Mar 61 x x x per daughter 7/2/2016
60xx Clark James, Jr H x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
9174 Clark Roger (deceased) C Eva (deceased) tour1 Feb 59 Jan 62 292x1 on A flt           AZ     9/24/2019
9174 Clark Roger (deceased) C Eva (deceased) tour2 Jul 64 Dec 65 292x1 C flt, 702x0 Personnel   9/24/2019
5657 Clark Truman M x  56 Mar 59 29270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Clay Berry G x  56 Jan 58 29330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Clayton Franklin G May 60 Apr 63 3031 6952nd orders 13-May-60  
384 Clayton Wallace B (None) x 53 x 56 x (919)693-3690 Clayton Wallace 117 E. Quail Ridge Rd. Oxford NC 27565-2833  919-693-3690
238 Clemons Harry     L Elizabeth Dickson cle 55 Jan 60 Tech Services clemons.harry@yahoo.com Clemons Harry 112 Corinth St. Warner Robbins GA 31088  912-923-1029 3/13/2002
601 Clemons William (Bill)    Jun 64 Dec 65 X2 Baker Flt wclemons@classicnet.net Clemons William (Bill) P.O. Box 154 Jefferson AR 72079  501-397-2058 7/16/2004
5557 Clifford Glen A x  55 x x 29270 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
98120 Cloran Jon (deceased) M x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62, public records Waxahatchee FL   1/3/2022
704 Coats Lee E Carol Jan 56 Nov 58 Radio Finger Printing, Days knottylady1@gmail.com Lee Coats 18145 CR 121 Union Star MO 64494  816-324-3846 3/2/2008
786 Cobb James (Jim) Nov 62 Oct 64 292x2 Delta Flt jrcobbtx@yahoo.com 3/25/2012
234 Cobb Joseph  E Kathleen-Deceased Jan 57 Mar 60 C Trick 20250 joeec@eatel.com Cobb Joseph 1727 Stonegate Ct. Baton Rouge LA 70815  225-272-5780 11/4/2009
5657 Cobb   Cecil T x  56 Jan 59 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Cobble Donald D x  56 May 57 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9139 Cobble  James (Jim) (deceased) H Elaine x 59 x 62 x2 - Photo Lab         7/6/2012
659 Coburn Louis  E Gwen x 56 x 60 x scotties1@localnet.com Coburn Louis 3265 County Road 5 Kitts Hill OH 45645  740-532-5933 6/10/2008
55xx Cocca  Theodore W x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Cochrane Donald N x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
53xx Cocoa Jim x 53 x x x per others
5860 Cocus (also Coccus) Jerry T x 58 x 60 AP per photograph 2/28/2011
695 Coggins Frank x 62 Aug 64 NCOIC Weather Analysis fcoggins515@earthlink.net 12/24/2008
34 Colbert  William (Ray) R Gerti Jun 60 Jul 62 Able Flt   w5xe@juno.com Colbert William (Ray) 10414 Dyer St. #17 El Paso TX 79924-2740  915-821-1556 2/21/2001
55xx Colburn James E x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
385 Cole Donald Nancy x 65 x x Personnel Officer Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 Cole Donald 402 Stanly Dr. Santa Barbara CA 91305
60xx Cole Leonard R x 60 Feb 62 47151 6952nd orders 13-May-60
9386 Coleman Harold (deceased)  Joan x 57 x 60 x Coleman Joan 2530 Mirror Lake Court Colorado Springs CO 80919  719-594-0252
209 Colesanti Frank  J Cecie   x 56 x 59 Dog Flt   Franklats1@aol.com Colesanti Frank 9121 Buttercup Court Ft. Myers FL 33919  941-432-9848 1/25/2001
5657 Coley Donald D x 56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Collins Adna E x 55 x x MSGT SO #74-7May55
5657 Collins Jack F x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
59xx Collins James R x 59 Jan 61 64150 6952nd orders 07-May-59
60xx Collinsworth Andrew S x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Oct-60 12/26/2010
825 Combs Bob x 57 x 60 Charlie Flt x Combs Bob 15714 Larson Ln Mt Vernon WA 98273 360-424-7567 8/10/2016
56xx Comeau Edward F x 56 x x 6952nd orders 07-Feb-56
331 Comtois Joe   Oct 58 Oct 61 Base Civil Engineer Office joecee8589@aol.com     2/16/2004
657 Cone Donald Katherine (Ann) Feb 63 May 63 Morse Intercept Operator dcone001@stny.rr.com Cone Donald 141 Route 44 Shinglehouse PA 16748  814-260-9561 2/5/2007
a5 Conley Helen D Conley Helen 2801 Clay St Apt 313 Placerville CA 95667  906-339-0199
387 Conley Ronald None x 64 x 66 x unknown Conley Ronald 12100 Mt. Anderson St.  #21 Reno NV 89506  702-667-8470
9168 Conlin  Robert (Bob) (deceased) A Betty Jul 63 May 66 Comptroller   rconlin@cox.net Conlin Betty 5757 Spur Ave. Oceanside CA 92057 5/3/2018
5657 Connoley Thomas A x  56 Jan 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
62xx Connor Thomas d x 62 May 62 x 6952nd orders 10-Apr-62  
64xx Connors Michael x 64 x x 3530C SO P-18 6Feb64
85 Connors Ronald R Dorothy Jan 58 Dec 61 Dog  X1-X2   dotron3839@att.net Connors Ron 10339 Granary San Antonio TX 78245 9/30/2002
61xx Conrad Frank D x 61 Jul 62 67150 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
193 Conus Thom Sep 64 Jan 66 Mission Control thomc@mo-net.com Conus Thom 406 Brandermill Rd Monett MO 65708  417-235-6100 2/22/2001
55xx Conwell  William E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
801 Cook Ralph M Aug 61 Jul 64 tech reporter A trick rmcpac9@aol.com Cook Ralph 119 Sawgrass Dr Dothan AL 36303 334-792-4689 7/1/2013
6162 Cook Timothy L x 61 x x 29251 various orders 61-62
55xx Cook  Tom I x 55 x x MSGT SO #74-7May55
144 Coombes  Guy  Joan x 61 x 64 Radio Maint.   guyrcoombes@aol.com Coombes Guy 3500 Swanstone Drive #27 Fort Collins CO 80525  970-377 2209 10/2/2007
185 Cooper Clayton  C Margaret x 63 x 65 292 Dog Flight claytoncooper207@gmail.com Cooper Clayton 6195 Northwest Blvd Apt 308 Plymouth MN 55442   12/29/2021
55xx Cooper Dan  H x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
5657 Cooper George S x 56 x x 77130 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Cooper Richard E x  55 x x 29250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Copeland Richard L x  56 Jul 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Corbell Albert S x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
596 Coriale Salvatore (Sal) Sep 62 Aug 64 Non Morse Intercept, D Flt sal2562@aol.com      315-536-6054 12/23/2004
107 Cornman  Ed  R Margaret Jan 63 Jan 66 Day Lady   tattiesoup@aol.com Cornman Edward 462 Scates San Antonio TX 78227  210-673-8144 1/3/2001
728 Cornwell Edward F x 60 Jun 63 29251 edcornwe@hotmail.com 11/12/2009
6162 Corona Joseph R x 61 x x 77150 various orders 61-62
a38 Corr (Valersky) Judy (Daughter of Lt. John Valerski 52-55) jamescorr@bellsouth.net Hendersonville NC  828-694-3610 7/6/2014
388 Correll William P x 55 x x x (323)254-6415 Correll William 2652 Cunard St. Los Angeles CA 90065  323-254-6415
840 Corson Russell I x 60 x 63 Ground Radio Repair russ.retiredsoldier@gmail.com VA 5/22/2020
60xx Costen Gene E x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
60xx Coston Robert G x 60 x x 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
9135 Coulter Charles (deceased) A Audrey May 53 Mar 56 A Flt   w7cac2@cox.net Coulter Audery 16210 No. 111th Ave. Sun City AZ 85351-1166  623-974-9283 3/16/2023
98004 Courville Anthony (deceased) W x x x x x 6/9/2008
389 Couture Eugene E Judith x 53 x 54 x (207)873-0027 Couture Eugene 58 Ridge Road Waterville ME 04901  207-873-0027
55xx Cowart  Bolivar C x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
783 Cox Carl M Margaret Apr 58 x 63 TS Control/70250 carlmcox1@yahoo.com Cox Carl 104 Derbyshire Drive Swansea IL 62221 2/5/2012
61xx Cox Joe S x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
5657 Crabtree Charles R x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
390 Cramer Robert x x x x x unknown Cramer Robert 7944 Gregorson Ct. Waterford WI 53185-2208
61xx Craven Danny W x 61 Jun 62 29251 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
9671 Craven John (Jack)(deceased) F Jan 56 Nov 58 Intercept Operator  per daughter, obit NY 6/9/2024
603 Crawford Frederick H Carole x 63 x 65 y202 Charlie Trick phrederic1@aol.com Crawford Frederick 16170 Guantlet Court Rosemount MN 55068  952-431-5241 612 940-8978 2/25/2005
318 Crawford Wilbert x 52 x 53 Supply Clerk       8/31/2003
5657 Crocker Jerry F x  56 May 59 20250      
700 Croft Gilbert (Gil) B Elizabeth (Betty) Jul 60 Jul 63 20250 B Flt then days gil1912@aol.com Gil Croft 1912 Bel Air Ave Orlando FL 32812  407-277-2358 2/12/2009
60xx Croft Jack B x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 15-Sep-60 12/26/2010
61xx Cronan Richard H x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
9178 Cronin Jim (deceased)  T Pat (deceased) tour1 Oct 53 May 57 20250 x       Severn MD 21144  410-551-2158 8/27/2016
9178 Cronin Jim (deceased)  T Pat (deceased) tour2 Jun 58 Jul 61 20250 x 8/27/2016
816 Crosby Clarence (Earl), Jr E Mar 62 Mar 63 Morse Intercept Operator earlcrosby@yahoo.com 4/8/2015
9731 Crossley Charles (deceased) H Bessie Oct 59 Oct 62 Non Morse Intercept, C Flt barracuda633@hotmail.com Crossley Bessie 195 Walker Manor Dr Colliers WV 26035 304-527-2394 11/28/2014
633 Crothers Richard (Dick)    Apr 62 Jul 62 29251 rgcrothers@starpower.net      703-435-1171 11/3/2005
776 Crouch Mark W x 62 x 63 x per others 9/14/2011
167 Crovo  John A Jan 57 Dec  59 x1 D, C, D Flight   jcs2@comcast.net Crovo John 2552 Venezia Vineland NJ 08361-6869  856-692-4459 6/7/2002
61xx Crow Alvin B x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
6465 Crow Terry x 64 x x 7535th dispensary Base Photo 2/3/2009
9283 Crowe Horace (deceased) A   Oct 52 Aug 56 ditty bopper                 11/8/2006
65xx Crowley James l x 65 x x Staff Judge Advocate Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/115
391 Crum Art f Nancy x 58 x 61 x (512)345-4070 Crum Art 7507 Hart Lane Austin TX 78731  512-345-4070
5657 Culver William E x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
392 Cumbow J. W Ann x 53 x 54 x (276) 686-5332 Cumbow J. 7468 Lee Hwy. Rural Retreat VA 24368  276-686-5332
221 Cummings Jack  x 55 x 59 Com Ctr, D flight   LOGANLEA32@aol.com     4/3/2001
166 Cunningham  George Marsha Jun 63 Jun 65 292x2 Charlie Flt   witheld by request Cunningham George 2016 E. Rahn Rd Kettering OH 45440  937-438-2065 1/11/2007
9056 Cunningham  Gerald (deceased) L Beatrice Jun 53 Dec 56 Dog Flight   glcbea@yahoo.com             317-8762855 2/4/2019
821 Curley II Albert (Al) x 63 x x NMIO CurleyA@state.gov 6/19/2015
197 Dahl Roy  Mary tour1 x 56 x 59 A Flt, Orderly Room scot1@chartermi.net Dahl Roy 4033 E. M71 Corunna MI 48817 1/7/2001
197 Dahl Roy  Mary tour2 x 61 x 64 Orderly Room scot1@chartermi.net 1/7/2001
62xx Daily Royce G x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
5657 Dalaney Lonzie x 56 x x 30432A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5557 Dalton Robert P x 55 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Dancy Charles C x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
5657 Danforth Charles, Jr E x  56 Jul 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Daniel Lloyd K x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
55xx Daniel Raymond  W x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
5657 Daniello William J x  56 Sep 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5557 Daniels Albert W x  55 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Daniels Robert x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Darcy  George E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
9186 Dark Hudson (deceased) Arlene x 61 x 64 292x1 Charlie Flt   Arlene Hudson 1230 El Camino Avenue Stockton CA 95209  209-473-0289 10/2/2011
98001 Davenport Wm. (Bill) (deceased) B. x 55 x x died in boating accicent in Scotland 6/9/2008
5657 David John A x  56 Oct 57 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
59xx Davidson Eugene B x 59 Jan 61 20230 6952nd orders 15-May-59
61xx Davidson Jimmie D x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
55xx Davies William C x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
61xx Davis Clarence A x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
5657 Davis Donald W x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
662 Davis Jack  Frances Aug 61 Aug 64 NCOIC Education Center jwdavis0507@comcast.net Davis Jack 1411 Ridgecrest Place SE Albuquerque NM 87108 1/31/2007
55xx Davis John A x 55 x x TSGT SO #74-7May55
5657 Davis Joseph B x 56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
64xx Davis Kennerly x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Davis Nathan T x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Davis Werner L x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Davison  Robert K x 55 x x Tsgt SO #74-7May55
117 Dawson  Rick  x 64 x 66 X1 Charlie   Ric19@aol.com     1/10/2004
169 Day  Allen  R x 64 x 66 Transport Officer        
5657 De Pass Stanley A x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9314 Decatur Gerry (deceased) M Shirley (deceased) x 57 x 60 x         Troy NH 03465  603-242-3339 7/12/2018
60xx Decosta David F x 60 x x 64650 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
9226 Dee Eddie(deceased) P Betty Jul 53 Apr 56 Com Center   EPDee6@aol.com Betty Eddie 296 South Buckout St Irvington NY 10533-2206  914-949-0032 4/18/2024
61xx Dee Paul J x 61 Jan 63 29151 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
5657 Deitz Randall L x 56 x x 30432A 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
56xx Delaney Lonzie x 56 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
9211 Delaney Thomas (deceased)) Feb 61 Nov 63 Mission Control       2/5/2012
55xx Delfs  Arnold W x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
61xx Delozier Gerald E x 61 Jan 63 20250 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
98063 Demers Robert (deceased) P x 55 x x Per an acquaintance 3/9/2011
98099 Denney James (deceased) L Rosemary(deceased) x 62 x x C Flt FL 43954
a8 Dennis Doreen Doweeni@aol.com Dennis Doreen 1024 Maple Street #  Santa Monica CA 90405
55xx Denson  Jimmie D x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
98005 DePuy, Jr. Cornelius (deceased) x x x x x
9393 DeRose John (deceased) A Dorothy H. x 55 x 58 29271 (941)543-5690 DeRose Dorothy 19430 Sunair Ct. North Ft. Myers FL 33903-9074  941-543-5690 10/20/2016
a9 DeSantis Margaret DeSantis Margaret 4558 East Dartmouth Mesa AZ 85205
60xx Diagostino James L x 60 x x 20250 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
5657 Dickerson Robert E x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
394 Diehl Nolan Ann x 60 x x x unknown Diehl Nolan P.O. Box 334 Red Bluff CA 96080
395 Diggs Willie x x x x x (301) 551-5168 Diggs Willie 1445 Evergreen Rd. Severn MD 21144  301-551-5168
9073 Dillaha  Bobby deceased) D Yvonne x 54 x 55 x obituary       The Villages FL     5/21/2021
5657 Dillow Kenneth E x  56 Aug 58 64173 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
8126 Dimm Kenneth x 56 x 58 x others PA 6/8/2021
123 Dinwiddie  Jim  H Lynne Aug 56 Sep 59 x1 & 203 ?Flt   (619) 575-1963              619-575-1963 2/3/2006
61xx Dionne Leo RJ x 61 Feb 61 29252 6952nd orders 31-May-61
60xx Dixon Charles R Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
5657 Dixon Robert L x  56 May 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5557 Dodd Thomas F x  55 Jan 58 77150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98076 Doiron Clifford (deceased) x 60 x x 292 C trick per photo  FL 12/1/2016
55xx Dombrosky  Frank W x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
89113 Domico Samuel (deceased) R Edith x  56 Jan 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & obituary Tioga LA 5/20/2021
55xx Donahue  Thomas A x 55 x x Captain, Asst OIC OPS-3 SO #74-7May55
63xx Donaldson Harold R x 63 May 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
60xx Donathan Monroe T x 60 x x 36150 6952nd orders 13-May-60
9396 Donelan Matthias (deceased) Mary x x x x x unknown Donelan Mary 4519 Rynex Dr. Alexandria VA 22312 2/3/2006
397 Donnelly William (Bill) F Barbara x 53 x 56 x Laurtab@aol.com Donnelly Bill 9309 114th Street S.W. Lakewood WA 98498-2833  253-584-6063
91 Donovan  Francis (Frank)  J Eleanor (deceased)  Nov 53 Oct 56 Dog   frankdonovan8860@comcast.net Donovan Francis 1 Mockingbird Place Santa Rosa CA 95409  707-833-6373 11/24/2019
64xx Dorsett Larry C x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
398 Doss Calson T Ruby x 53 x 56 x (615)666-2861 Doss Calson 551 Maple Ter. Lafayette TN 37083  615-666-2861
755 Doud Bernard (Leon) L Jul 59 May 61 Electric Accting Machines ljdoud@eritter.net Doud Leon HC31 Box 26A Jasper AR 72641 870-446-5357 11/21/2010
741 Douthit Dennis (Denny) H Aug 61 Feb 63 292 D Flt ddoubledd@yahoo.com 5/18/2010
55xx Drake Arthur S x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
9399 Drake Marvin (deceased)  P Elizabeth (deceased) x x x x x per record search/obit     San Antonio TX     2/3/2006
61xx Drefahl David A x 61 Oct 61 36350B 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61  
6 Drew  Frank R June tour2 x 63 x 64 292x2 frank.drew@cox.net
6 Drew  Frank  R June tour1 Jun 58 Mar 60 292x1 Charlie Flt frank.drew@cox.net Drew Frank 155 W. Kingsfield Rd. Cantonment FL 32533-7524  850-968-0274 3/5/2002
5657 Dreyfus Jack J x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5558 Droegemeier William D x  55 Jan 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
842 Duguay William L Aug 55 Jul 58 29351 B trick duguay61@sbcglobal.net Duguay William 116 N Pennsylvania Ave Belleville IL 62220 4/7/2021
5657 Dulong Louis J x  56 Aug 57 20370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98077 Dulong Louis (deceased) J x  56 Aug 57 20370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56/and others
65xx Duncan Frederick III W x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
98006 Duncan Johnny (deceased) x x x x x 6/9/2008
98144 Dunford Donald(deceased) A x  56 Apr 59 29331, Oog trick 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56, obit PA 6/24/2024
199 Dunn Curtis M Nancy Sep 62 May 65 292x1 Dog Flight cndunn@earthlink.net Dunn Curtis 1804 Waterway Drive Baker FL 32531  850-682-1665 4/20/2006
98083 Dupuy John (deceased) P x 62 x 65 x LA 5/3/2018
55xx Durant Jose x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
61xx Durda John M x 61 Feb 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
61xx Durham Paul M x 61 Nov 62 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
55xx Durham  James R x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
61xx Dusenbury George L x 61 x x 29251 SO Number B-96
181 Duval Raymond  N Anne  Mar 59 Jan 60     Duval Raymond 6 Ridgewood Ave. Waterville ME 04901-5080  207-873-2577 11/21/2000
5657 Duvall George, Jr t x 56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
400 Dwyer John E Jane x 53 x 55 x (856)218-2454 Dwyer John 81 Maple Leaf Circle Sewell NJ 08080  856-218-2454
843 Eason Ivan (Jerry) J x 59 Nov 62 29252 A Trick jeason@yahoo.co.uk South Queensferry Scotland 10/17/2021
61xx Eason Victor D x 61 Oct 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
5657 Eccard Ronald L x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
55xx Eccles James x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
98095 Eddings (deceased) Thomas P  x 53 x x x per others
55xx Edgeman John E x 55 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
98006 Edmonds John (deceased)
401 Edson William T mail1 x x x x x (615) 325-9765 Edson William P. O. Box 31 Whitehouse TN 87188  615-325-9765
401 Edson William T mail2 x x x x x 2 addresses Edson William 750 Scatterville Rd. Portland TX 37148
52xx Edwards Denis R x 55 x x Captain, Materiel Officer AF Photo
594 Edwards Donovan x 59 x x Radio Interept Op maxalax@aol.com     5/14/2004
5657 Edwards Ronald H x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Efron Seymor R x 61 Feb 61 29232 6952nd orders 27-Apr-61
290 Egan Ronald  C Blanche Jun 60 Jan 63 60350 Blanche7771@aol.com     4308 E. Evans San Antonio TX 78295-2202 2/17/2005
9066 Egger  Roger (deceased)  D Eleanor x 61 x 63 Acct'g & Finance   rdegger@aol.com Egger Eleanor 4621 Hollyridge San Antonio TX 78228-1734  210-432-3075 6/2/2012
5657 Eibeck Charles J x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Eisele William L x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Elder Blaine D x 60 x x 36370B 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
63xx Elder Charles x 63 x x x per his son    
683 Elgin Richard x 57 x 60 20250 relgin@sbcglobal.net Elgin Richard 1184 O42University Ridge Dr Reno NV 89512  775-322-2030 6/9/2008
8128 Eline Joseph K Betty x 61 x x 20230 SO Number B-96, obituary PA 11/19/2022
714 Elliott Bruce A   Mar 56 Jun 58 Radio Intercept Op, D trick BAEMAE1957@aol.com 7/17/2009
55xx Ellis  Joseph L  x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Ellzey Armand C x 55 x x Adjutant 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55  
55xx Emory  Eugene R x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
656 Enderlein Eugene W Nov 56 Aug 59 Y30452 Multiplex Eq. Maint. e.enderlein@gmail.com Eugene  Enderlein 4600 Hemlock Lane N. Plymouth MN 55442-2471 763-557-2996 763-772-2023 8/20/2010
65xx Endicott  Jackie D x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
55xx Endicott  Ronald C x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
60xx Engh Timm G x 60 Feb 61 29252 6952nd orders 15-Apr-60
9402 England Fred (deceased) G x x x x x unknown             2/3/2006
5557 Engle Robert S x  55 Mar 57 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
403 Engstrom Leonard M Fayne x 60 x x x (901) 371-0475              901-371-0475 2/3/2006
9404 Erato Vincent (deceased) A x 55 x x x               2/3/2006
405 Eshleman Neil O June Nov 53 Oct 56 Morse Intercept  (425)640-6608 Eshleman Neil P.O. Box 578 Edmonds WA 98020  425-640-6608
9175 Estep Larry (deceased)  C Anne (deceased)) Feb 63 Dec 64 292x1 D Flt         Havana IL 62644   2/25/2014
5657 Estrella Severino, Jr x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Etheridge  William B x 55 x x Captain, OIC, Comm Center SO #74-7May55
5657 Eubank Richard, Jr C x  56 Jan 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Evans Charley M x  56 x x 73250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
98103 Ezell Dennis (deceased) R x  55 Jul 58 70230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & obituary LA 5/18/2022
5657 Fail Russell N x  56 Oct 57 20370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & obituary 11/24/2020
55xx Fain  Everett J x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
766 Fair Dennis G Angie Oct 63 May 65 292x1 Delta Flt dfair@brick.com Fair Dennis 7062 Rival Lane Kknoxville TN 39718 865-922-4277 6/9/2011
59xx Farber Joseph x 59 Apr 62 29232 6952nd orders 07-May-59
61xx Farley Arless K x 61 Mar 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
60xx Farley Arthur L x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 15-Sep-60 12/26/2010
593 Farrell Donald E Mar 59 Feb 62 Radio Intercept Op, B Flt       1/3/2013
98064 Farrell Joseph (deceased) C Euphemia x 53 x 56 linguist per his son and old orders 8/30/2011
a52 Farrell Steve (son of Joseph Farrell 53-56)   mrhambre@verizon.net 8/31/2011
5657 Farris Henry R x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Feeney Charles T x  56 x x 68250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
55xx Feldman Norman x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
6162 Fenn Albert, Jr J x 61 x x 20330 various orders 61-62
98071 Fenstermacher Bob (deceased) x x x x x1 early 60's 6/15/2013
64xx Ferch Mercer R x x x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
734 Ferrell Jack L Cheryl Jul 64 Dec 66 Commander, Charlie Flt JACKFERRELL75@msn.com Ferrell Jack 17 Sunset Blvd Placitas NM 87043 505-867-2242 2/28/2010
6162 Fifield John A x 61 x x 20250 various orders 61-62
55xx Fillmore  Patrick D x 55 x x TSGT SO #74-7May55
5657 Findley Norwood L x  56 Jan 58 29130 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Fiola James E x 61 Jan 64 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
98092 Fischer Carl (deceased) E x 56 x x Comm Equipment Repairman 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 and son NH 8/3/2019
61xx Fisk Allen L x 61 Feb 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
617 Fitzgerald John M Barbara Anne (Bobbie) Nov 62 May 63 Non-morse Int Op, D shift DRJOHNFITZ@yahoo.com Fitzgerald John 24029 Briardale Way Newhall CA 91321  661-259-5300 9/20/2006
9406 Fitzgerald John (deceased) F Peggy (deceased) x 57 x 60 x                 2/7/2011
65xx Flammang Leslie J x 65 x x x SO P-9 7Jan65
407 Flaxman Leonard   x 54 x x x (630)529-5859 Flaxman Leonard 729 Crest Avenue West Schaumburg IL 60193  630-529-5859
9741 Fleek Douglas (deceased) W x 59 Nov 62 47131 Motor Pool per Red Milliman & old orders 6/7/2010
5557 Flinchum Robert D x  55 Oct 57 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Flora Raymond W x  55 Apr 59 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
408 Flowers Orlando C x 62 x 64 x unknown Flowers Orlando 9208 Littlefield St. Detroit MI 48228
788 Flygare Marvin E x 60 Sep 63 29232 flygare.marvin@gmail.com 5/12/2012
409 Forbes Jasper x 61 x 62 x (301)248-1729 Forbes Jasper 9104 Doris Drive Ft. Washington MD 20744  301-248-1729
689 Forbes Kenneth E Beverly Aug 53 May 56 Comm Center bforbes@seanet.com 8/7/2008
5557 Ford Charles R x  55 x x 20330-1 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5557 Ford Edward J x  55 Apr 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
a11 Ford Helen Douglas   Ford Helen 283 Royal Oak Court Oakville, Ontario Canada L6H3A8
121 Forehand  Thurman (Pete) P Mollie  x 53 x 56 Charlie   tp4hand@juno.com Forehand, Jr. Thurman 713 Burton St. Hampton VA 23666  757-826-7768 12/11/2000
63xx Foreman Kenneth L x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
739 Forney Richard L x 61 May 62 20250 richforney@msn.com 4/26/2010
98009 Forrester James (Al) (deceased) x 59 x x x 6/9/2008
98124 Forseth William (deceased) N Eleanor x 61 Nov 63 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61 and daughter Linda Oshkosh WI 2/8/2022
55xx Foster Glen C x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
736 Fournier George (Joe) H.J. x 61 Jan 64 29231 ghjfournier@yahoo.com 3/4/2010
5557 Fout Harold x  55 Oct 57 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
653 Fowler Cliff  L Apr 59 Apr 61 292x2, B Flt clifowler@aol.com Fowler Cliff 100 N Pacific Hwy #34 Talent OR 97540-9502  541-512-1743 11/8/2006
61xx Fowler Keith B x 61 x x 29251 SO Number B-96
8135 Fox Donald H Mary Lou May 58 Mar 61 20250 SO Number B-96, daughter  update Beavercreek OH 3/29/2024
55xx Francis Bobby E x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
410 Franklin Clarence Kathleen x 59 Apr 62 Cook all shift Gwalkerrichmond@aol.com Franklin Clarence 1333 North 27th St. Richmond VA 23223  804-644-5857 6/30/2008
61xx Franklin Lowell W x 61 x x 71370 SO Number B-96
9124 Franklin  Donald(deceased) E Rita (deceased) x 53 x 57 Baker            Sun City West AZ 85375   2/6/2024
9206 Franklin  Vernon Dale (deceased) Sadie Mar 56 Nov 59 Personnel Office dalef@cableone.net Franklin Sadie 807 Oak Terrace Prescott AZ 86301 11/24/2007
5657 Franks Daniel F x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
61xx Frazer Spencer G Apr 60 Jul 62 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
5657 Frazier Alvin R x 56 x x Y30432A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9411 Frederick Christina (deceased) M x 60 x 63 x         Murfreesboro TN 37130-2619   1/28/2020
9820 Frederick Clarence (deceased) W aka Freddie x 59 x 62 Able Flt   others Shelbyville TN
5557 Fredericks Clyde W x  55 Feb 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Freedman Michael J Apr 60 Jul 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
604 Freeman (William) Jerry  Jennifer Feb 59 Feb 62 Radio Intercept Op 29250 Charlie Trick WillyJ999@aol.com Freeman (William) Jerry 6 Scenic Way Petaluma CA 94952  707-976-0120 5/8/2008
55xx Freeman Bobby J x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
a33 Freeman Moira MoFreeman@surewest.net 5/7/2008
9412 French Chancel  (deceased) T x 58 x 59 x         Montgomery AL 36116-6667   12/3/2016
64xx French John F x 64 x x 20351-1 SO P-18 6Feb64
98047 French Russell (deceased) L x 52 x 55 CO, 37th RSM 11/8/2008
a39 French Tim (Son of Col French the 37th RSM 1st commander) TimoFrench@aol.com 11/8/2008
9 French  John F. F Liz Oct 62 Oct 65 203 Dog Flt   scot6952@yahoo.com French John 3558 Grandview Dr San Angelo TX 76904-8152  325-944-3643 12/11/2005
60xx Friend Jerry S x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
98129 Friesen Dwight (deceased) L x 61 Jul 63 20230 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61, obit, son Scott MN 3/12/2023
98010 Fronczak Adrian (deceased) x 52 x 54 x 6/9/2008
61xx Fuccillo Frank v x 61 Aug 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
55xx Fuller James S x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
5657 Fuller Robert, Jr L x  56 Feb 57 73250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Gaffigan William P x 61 Jun 63 20230 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
55xx Gaffney  Lawrence D x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
60xx Gagnon Raymond W x 60 Feb 63 90671 6952nd orders 13-May-60
61xx Gantzer David E x 61 Oct 63 29231 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
54xx Garcia Gene x 54 x x 292xx per others 11/25/2019
628 Gardner Cedric B Mar 64 Jan 66 292x1 Able Flt     Gardner Cedric 24223 Pinecreek Point Spring TX 77373 eve  282-288-0354  day  713-767-2010 7/15/2005
298 Garduno Jose  Jul 61 Jul 65 Dispensary   jose.garduno@galosi.com Garduno Jose 3301 Riley Drive Plano TX 78025  972-618-6049 1/20/2003
61xx Garey Warren g x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
61xx Garfield James, Jr x 61 Dec 63 29232 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
60xx Garleski George L x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
55xx Garner  Frank W x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
413 Garrett Finley x x x x x unknown Garrett Finley 8407 Shoal Creek San Antonio TX 78251
614 Garrett Harry Elisabeth (Joan) tour2 Oct 62 Dec 63 292X1 garretthw@verizon.net 3/8/2007
614 Garrett Harry Elisabeth (Joan) tour1 Jan 57 Dec 57 292X1 garretthw@verizon.net Garrett Harry 3905 Palo Duro Drive Plano TX 75074  972-578-8466 3/8/2007
9068 Garrity  Joseph (deceased) Brenda x 62 x 65 292x1 Baker   BRENJOEG@aol.com Garrity Brenda 5229 Creekwood Drive Harrisburg PA 17109  717-652-8915 6/9/2008
62xx Garza Michael A x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
55xx Gast Michael C x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
62xx Gatlin Luther F x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
6162 Geilert Herbert P x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
9191 Gentry Jim (deceased) W x 60 x 63 Delta Flt       Tallahasee FL   12/26/2021
5557 Gergen David R x  55 Nov 57 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Gero Robert E x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98108 Getman George, Jr (deceased) A Melba (deceased) x 55 x x Captain Comm Officer SO #74-7May55 and obituary Waterboro SC 2/18/2021
690 Gibbs Larry W x  54 x 57 TTY Mechanic   8/14/2008
65xx Gibson Allen S x 65 x x Auditor Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
55xx Gibson Fred, Jr   F x 55 x x TSGT SO #74-7May55
61xx Gifford Douglas A x 61 Mar 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
64xx Gilbert Harry A x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Gilbert Howard, Jr x x x x MSGT SO #74-7May55
64xx Gilbert Jerry F x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
414 Gilbert Sayward Ester x x x x x unknown Gilbert Sayward 201 Oxbow Rd. Wayland MA 01778
61xx Gilliam Mabel M x 61 x x Admin 6952nd orders 27-Aor-61  
242 Gilliland Max x 64 x 66 x       10/19/2001
63xx Gillin Wayne L x 63 May 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
55xx Gillis  Donald E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
98090 Gillock Phillip (deceased)  E x  55 Feb 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & update from his son Patrick Giarland TX 6/29/2019
98007 Gilmore Burton (deceased) W Maureen x 53 x 56 Radio Int Op 37th RSM 01-sept-53 and other  San Antonio TX 6/9/2008
55xx Gilmore Henry, Jr B x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55 2/23/2021
415 Gilmore Maureen Burton (deceased) x 53 x 56 x (210)696-8664 Gilmore Maureen 4114 Flint Hill St. San Antonio TX    210-696-8664
98109 Girouard Albert, Jr (deceased) T   x 60 x x 29231 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60 & death notice Las Vegas NV 2/21/2021
64xx Girten Kenneth L x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
61xx Girvin Roger A x 61 Mar 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
60xx Godwin James C x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
55xx Goff Franklin D x 55 x x 6952nd orders 07-Feb-56
416 Goldbeck Ronald E x 55 x x x unknown Goldbeck Ronald 311 Kopp Drive W. St. Paul MN 55118
621 Golembiewski Tobias J Carolyn Feb 58 Dec 60 x ridgeracer587991@sbcglobal.net Golembiewski Tobias 2745 Flagstone Drive Brookfield WI 53045 3/19/2005
55xx Gonzalez Juan P x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
98049 Gordon John  (deceased) Wanda Lee x 63 x 66 TTY Repair 12/5/2008
9162 Gori  Tom (deceased) tour1 Mar 57 Dec 57 Dog 292x1   tgoraj@msn.com       Bethelhem PA 18018   5/18/2017
9162 Gori  Tom (deceased) tour2 May 59 May 60 x tgoraj@msn.com   5/18/2017
55xx Goss Raymond N x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
98107 Gossin Thomas (deceased) L Jeanne x 55 x x Language specialist 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55 and obituary Utica NY 2/18/2021
65xx Grace Alston x 65 x x Chaplain Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
606 Graham David  E Susan Nov 64 Apr 66 X-Ray Technician, Base Dispensary graham21@aol.com Graham David 10458 Saranac St. Ventura CA 93004   805-647-9637  H-  805-701-7391  C- 8/27/2004
61xx Graham Edward H x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
319 Graham Lloyd B Rachael Jan 63 Jun 65 292x1, Dog Flt lloydgraham20022002@yahoo.com Graham Lloyd 207 Demya San Antonio TX 78227 9/3/2003
5657 Grant Donald E x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
646 Grater Howard W Nov 63 Jun 65 292x1, Dog Flt tropicofsagg@gmail.com Grater Howard 9172 Montevello Dr Orlando FL 32818  407-299-2541 9/6/2006
239 Graves Donnie (Gravy) R Noi x 57 x 60 293x1, C Trick Donniennoi@aol.com              903-756-5047 2/3/2006
61xx Gray Richard P x 61 Jan 64 40432 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
417 Gray Robert S x 54 x 57 x grayw@navair.navy.mil Gray Robert 6 Goldfinch Ln Huntington NY 11743  516-692-6021  
40 Gray  Walter (Bud)  Janette x 61 x x x wgray@speedeenet.com     bad address         3/27/2008
65 Grazulis  Robert  Elizabeth tour1 May 62 May 63 Finance & Audit   grazre@aol.com             2/3/2006
65 Grazulis  Robert  Elizabeth tour2 May 62 May 63 Finance & Audit   grazre@aol.com            
5657 Green Carroll x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Green Clifford P x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
89053 Green Donald (deceased) F x  53  x 56 70270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & obituary San Antonio TX 4/25/2009
64xx Green Earl M x 64 x x MSGT SO P-18 6Feb64
62xx Green Jewell D x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
420 Green Thomas  G Frances V. x 55 x 58 x (410)672-6940 Green Thomas 2308 Silver Way Gambrills MD 21054  410-672-6940
421 Greene Earle S Rosemarie x 60 x 64 Comm Center earleg22@verizon.net        Fredricksburg VA   6/6/9/10
61xx Greene Joseph, Jr C x 61 Apr 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
53xx Greene Seth x 53 x x x other alumni 1/14/2010
61xx Gregson Frank R x 61 Jul 63 20230 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61
9422 Grenell Larry (deceased) E Lona (deceased) x 53 x 54 x         Muskegon MI 49444   8/7/2021
64xx Grenyo Paul G x 64 x x 29231 SO P-18 6Feb64
309 Griffin Billy  D Alma Aug 53 Jul 56 A Flight/Radio Op bgriffin1215@sbcglobal.net Griffin Billy 1215 Bay Horse Dr San Antonio TX 78245 210-674-1061 11/2/2009
9423 Griffin Bobby (deceased) D x 53 x 56 x       11/2/2009
a45 Griffin Dean E (Son of Bobby Dean Griffin (53-56) ) deano111@verizon.net 11/1/2009
424 Grigsby Frank D Mary x 54 x 58 64151 (253)840-6186              253-840-6186 2/3/2006
98130 Grikstas Barney (deceased) B Nov 57 Nov 61 7535th ABS per daughtger, Frances Mair Scotland 4/22/2023
780 Grim Donald L Apr 54 May 56 Radio technicion dlgrim509@comcast.net 1/3/2012
56xx Grisbye x 56 x x Tech Services per ohoto
55xx Growman Gerald F x 55 x x Tech Services SO #74-7May55
53xx Grubbs Jim x 53 x x per others
60xx Gruver Ronald C Marion Apr 60 Jul 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
55xx Guevara  Albert F x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
55xx Guimont James O x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
55xx Gurley Bobby  J x 55 x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Gurley Homer E x 55 x x SO #74-7May55
61xx Hackney James E x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
5657 Hadley Paul x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
63xx Hagan William x 63 May 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
55xx Haihan  Budd H x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
5657 Hakes Raymond L x  56 Jun 58 70270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Hall Donald E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Hall James H x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
330 Hall Tom  x 64 x x Supply   tlhall2@peoplepc.com     2/11/2009
5557 Halsey Eugene A x  55 Jan 57 71150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Halvorson Dale R x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
60xx Haman Bennett, Jr P x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
55xx Hamelin Henry A x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
231 Hamilton Rich  Carole x 62 x 64   rich_hamilton59@hotmail.com              2/3/2006
6162 Hamlin Patrick G x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
98039 Hamm John (deceased) x 60 Jun 63 29232
425 Hamner Earl x 52 x 55 x Alex4LSU@aol.com  ??? Hamner Earl 161 Chelsea Dr. Shreveport LA 71105  318-865-3447
426 Hampton Danny S x 59 x 62 29232 unknown         NC   2/3/2006
9427 Hampton Joe (deceased) J Bureeda x 53 x 54 x (317)539-2836 Hampton Bureeda 7718 S. State Rt. 39 Clayton IN 46118  317-539-2836 8/15/2012
8072 Hanks Franklin R also known as Rosie x 53 x x x Portland OR 9/1/2015
55xx Hannon  Donald W x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
6162 Hansberry Perry, Jr H x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
428 Hansen Erik Maggie x 61 x 63 x (954)942-6205 Hansen Erik 4050 NE 31st Ave. Lighthouse Point  FL 33066  954-942-6205
5657 Hanson Leroy J x 56 x x W20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Harang Ronald L x 56 x x W20230 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Harbaugh Beverly G x  56 Jun 58 70270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
429 Harben Archibald, Jr L Peggy x 53 x 57 29351 (318)343-4409 Harben Archibald 709 McGowen Rd. Monroe LA 71203  318-343-4409
430 Harding Thomas B x 53 x 56 x (410)674-8421 Harding Thomas 527 Patricia Ct. Odenton MD 21113  410-674-8421
5657 Harlan Jesse W x  56 Jan 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9064 Harley  Ted (deceaased) B (wife deceased) tour1 x 57 x 58 Dog Flt         750 Lawrence St. Medina OH 44256  330-725-5137 8/3/2020
9064 Harley  Ted (deceaased) B (wife deceased) tour2 x 62 x 65 x   8/3/2020
9431 Harper Donald (deceased) R x x x x x               6/9/2008
60xx Harper William A x 60 x x 29252 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
98040 Harrell Gary (deceased) x 60 x 63 x 6/11/2008
9432 Harris David (deceased) L Irene x 62 x 65 Charlie Flt   scots4fr@hotmail.com Harris Irene 108 S. Westgaye St., Box 476 Gretna NE 68028-0476  402-332-3868 1/9/2005
98078 Harris Ozzie (deceased) Joshephine x  55 x x 30452A, Tech Services 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57 Aloha OR 11/6/2017
98078 Harris Ozzie (deceased) Josephine x 55 x x 30452A, Tech Services SO #74-7May55 Aloha OR 11/6/2017
637 Harris Roy  x 52 x 55 Public Relations Officer royfunds@sbcglobal.net Harris Roy 890 Royal Elf Court Dixon CA 95620  707-678-4728 12/25/2005
432 Harris Stanley (Stan) Judy (deceased) x 61 x 64 Charlie Flt   sharris02@sprynet.com Harris Stanley 1110 Havering Dr. Murfreesboro TN 37128-2826  615-848-5207 9/17/2011
9050 Harris  Joe (deceased) L Ursula Sep 64 Apr 66 LGM-SUP   harris12@cableone.net Harris Ursula 2090 Camp Wilkes Rd. Biloxi MS 39532  228-388-1473 9/14/2008
126 Harris  Ray Susan x x x x x unknown Harris Ray 830 Chestnut Drive, Cape St. Clair Annapolis MD 21401
9036 Harrison Vernon (deceased) T Patricia (deceased) x 53 x 56 x                 1/4/2011
434 Harrison William J x 53 x 56 29352 wjh1030@aol.com Harrison William 2115 E. Kenwood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211-3311  414-332-2978
5657 Hart   Roger D x  56 x x 29250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Hartley Lyndel D x  56 Feb 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9088 Hartliep  Phillip (deceased)  Jolane (deceased) Dec 56 Apr 59 Baker           Paris TX     7/24/2015
98011 Hartman Jack (Tiny) (deceased) x 53 x 56 Mess Hall 6/9/2008
5657 Hartman James E x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
435 Harvell Bobby F. x 55 x x x (912)244-4569 Harvell Bobby 3333 Fox Road Valdosta GA 31602  912-244-4569
6162 Harvey Darrell C x 61 x x 73250 various orders 61-62
9436 Haskell Gilbert (deceased) D Doreen x 53 x 56 x  Doreen (617) 539-1970              617-539-1970 3/21/2010
9198 Hassell David (deceased)  Linda Nov 63 Nov 65 Security Police Unit hassell@hctc.net Hassell David P.O. Box 1184, FM 1120 Saddle Mtn Rd Leakey TX 78873 830-232-5198 12/17/2013
55xx Hatcher  Hugh S x 55 x x 2/LT SO #74-7May55
5657 Hathaway Jimmy F x  56 Oct 57 64151 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
74 Hathhorn  Harry E LaRue mail Aug 55 Nov 57 Morse Intercept, Dog Flt harryhat2@msn.com  Hathhorn Harry P.O. Box 5127 Twin Falls ID 83303-5127   11/13/2006
74 Hathhorn  Harry E LaRue home Aug 55 Nov 57 Morse Intercept, Dog Flt harryhat2@msn.com Hathhorn Harry 1828 Bridgeview Blvd #228 Twin Falls ID 83301   208-420-5824 9/12/2024
63xx Hatley Larry D x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63 OH 208-420-5824
5657 Hauser Raymond E x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9437 Hawbaker Bill (deceased)    x 64 x x x2   unknown             6/9/2008
9271 Hawes Bob  (Deceased)   P. x 61 x 65 x name search     FL 10/25/2006
98041 Hawes Howard (deceased) x x x x x 6/10/2008
6162 Hayes Clifford E x 61 x x 20250 various orders 61-62
55xx Hayes Earnest D x 55 x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Hayes John R x 55 x x TSGT SO #74-7May55
55xx Haynes Billy D x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
98125 Haynes James deceased) A x 56 x x 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & obituary Paris France 4/8/2022
5657 Hayward Kendrick K x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
65xx Heacox Donald J x 65 x x Admin Officer Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
60xx Head Bernard F x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
438 Heft Catherine H. Karl (deceased) x 55 x x x per people search     602 Locust Hill Dr. Englewood OH 45322-1609  937-836-7051 4/8/2022
98043 Heft Karl (deceased) F. Catherine x 53 x 56 per Woody Woodward & people search Englewood OH 4/8/2022
810 Helms William (Bill) R x 61 x 63 20250 electsft2@exede.net 3/25/2014
64xx Helton Clifford W x 64 x x J29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Hendrickson Robert L x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Hendrickson Thomas A x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
60xx Hendrix Billy S x 60 x x 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
55xx Henkle Thomas D x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
9726 Hennen Dennis (deceased) M x 60 x x 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60/and Don Bauman 11/2/2009
316 Henning Thomas (Tom) H Cheryl Sep 60 May 63 Delta Flt, 29252 THZephyr41@aol.com tom Henning 14409 Shelter Lane Haymarket VA 20169 1/14/2009
55xx Henrickson  Willis E x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
5657 Henry James W x  56 x x 29230 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Henry Raymond K x  56 Oct 57 29270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
58xx Henson Luther M x 58 x 58 20330 6952nd orders 31-July-58
439 Heroux Paul  Sandy   x 60 x 63 x heroux6396@aol.com Heroux Paul 7411 Berryleaf DR Laurel MD 20707-5330  301-490-6396 or 490-6623 3/24/2008
5657 Herrera Anthony A x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Hester James W x 61 x x 67170 6952nd orders 31-May-61
79 Hetman  Tom  Ginni May 54 Dec 54 x2   motgin@aol.com              352-324-3478 2/3/2006
440 Hewett Mrs Cyrus L Etta x 61 x 64 x (252)726-6239 Hewett Etta 326 Broad Creek Loop Rd. Newport NC 28570  252-726-6239 2/3/2006
60xx Hickcox Robert, Jr E x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
9441 Hickey-Armstrong  Tom (Deceased) Dee x 59 x 62 x deearms@sbcglobal.net Hickey-Armstrong Dee 27027 Wooded Acres San Antonio TX 78260  830-980-8545 3/22/2008
63xx Hickok Keith L x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
9442 Hicks Harold (deceased)  G Betty x 52 x 55 TSGT   Hicks Betty 4373 Pleasant Ridge Road Hickory MS 39332  601-646-2222 5/15/2008
190 Highlands Dave Judy (deceased) Nov 64 Dec 65 292x1 Delta Flt pacfandave@hotmail.com Highlands Dave 5400 Park St N St Petersburg FL 33709  727-328-1716 4/26/2021
63xx Hill Alan M x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
618 Hill Bob Mar 62 Mar 65 Air Police, usually D Flt ohiochill@comcast.net Hill Bob 5504 Kelly Rd Brentwood TN 37027  615-661-6196 3/9/2005
443 Hill Charles (Chuck) E   61 x x 63 292x1 chuck_e@bellsouth.net Hill Charles #VALUE! Lugoff SC 29078 803-438-1287   5/3/2019
630 Hill Larry x 60 x 63 202xx A Trick GROATHILL62@aol.com 8/11/2005
55xx Hill Ronald A x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
9213 Hill  Arnold (deceased) T Barbara Jul 55 Nov 58 Radio Repairman         Houston AR     5/4/2020
31 Hill  Gordon  L Netta  Mar 61 Mar 64 292x1 Charlie Flt   gordie.netta@outlook.com Hill Gordon 4700 Ventura Drive, sp 123 Ventura CA 93003 805-620-0580 3/16/2016
159 Hill  James S Laura Jo Nov 53 Feb 55 29350 B or C Flt hill@kconline.com Hill James 6 EMS W21 Lane North Webster IN 46555  219-834-4238 2/7/2001
6465 Hille Edmund C x 64 x x 7535th Dispensary Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
64xx Hille Wayne B x 64 x x x SO P-51 10Jun64
65xx Hills Bobby L x 65 x x Base Supply Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
61xx Hilton Kenneth W x 61 x x 6952nd orders 27-Aor-61
a12 Hilty Betty             4/22/2008
444 Hinds James x x x x x unknown Hinds James 7742 Harshmanville Rd. Huber Heights OH 45429
5657 Hinds John C x  56 May 59 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
445 Hinson Samuel Happy x 60 x 61 x samhinson@prodigy.net              703-780-4564 4/22/2008
5657 Hinson William x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
a51 Hirte Beryl E x 60 x 63 widow of D. Hirte b.hirte@hotmail.com 6/18/2011
9764 Hirte Donald (deceased) G Beryl Sep 60 Aug 63 x per his daughter 4/30/2011
61xx Hitchcock Richard L x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 13-June-61
59xx Hitchings William T x 59 x x 72170 6952nd orders 28-Jul-59 12/26/2010
177 Hitt David May 61 Dec 63 Radio Int. Analyst, A&D Flt                 817-430-4046 2/3/2006
841 Hoar Gerald L x 64 x 65 x hoar@centurytel.net Hoar Gerald 330 Rolling Hills Dr Ozark AL 36360 1/29/2021
274 Hobbs Bill  Lynda Apr 59 Apr 62 29252 A Flt bill@gwrraazf.com Hobbs Bill 5556 Integrity Lane Fort Mohave AZ 86426 928-768-1369   5/30/2009
10 Hochstein  Sidney (Sid) G Sandra Jun 60 May 63 292x1 Dog Flt   sid@hochsteins.com Hochstein Sid 7680 Ridge Chapel Rd. Hanover MD 21076-1556  410-551-3385 5/9/2008
5657 Hodsdon Howard, Jr R x  56 x x 29370 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
55xx Hodshire Donald E x 55 x x TSGT SO #74-7May55
446 Hodshire Donald (Sam) E x 55 x x x hodshire@juno.com Hodshire Donald (Sam) 2328 Cr-427a Cleburne TX 76031  817-517-7183
692 Hoffman Charlie   x 61 x 64 30432 charlie_hoffman@hotmail.com Hoffman Charlie 8718 Linton Ave Alexandria VA 22308 703-360-9746 9/4/2008
5657 Hoffman Raymond J x  56 Jan 59 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Hofmeister Gene D x  56 Apr 57 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
6162 Hogan Billy T x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
6164 Hohl Barry G x 61 x 64 20250 various orders 61-62 and 64
8093 Holbrook Warren A x  56 Aug 58 20370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 and email LA 11/13/2019
55xx Holder Robert G x 55 x x SSGT 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
55xx Holley Joseph D x 55 x x 6952nd orders 07-Feb-56
56xx Hollie x 56 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
5657 Hollis Sylvester J x  56 Jun 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Holloway Stanley, Jr L Apr 60 Jun 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
605 Holmquist Michael (Mike) A Aug 64 Dec 65 Radio Intercept Op 29252 Dog Flt mnjholm@msn.com Holmquist Michael (Mike) 3406 Meadow Ct Bettendorf IA 52722  563-332-7758 3/`12/05
235 Holt Boyce  Jean Dec 58 Jan 60 Morse Intercept, B Flight Bholt2@roadrunner.com Holt Boyce 134 Greenwing Ct. Georgetown KY 40324  502-863-9215 1/21/2008
55xx Hoover Dale E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
63xx Hoover Robert E x 63 May 63 29252 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
5657 Hopkins Paul, Jr S x  56 Jun 59 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
447 Hopkins Ray June x x x x x unknown Hopkins Ray 11331 S.E. 209th Lane #23 Kent WA 98301
5658 Horne Henry C x  56 Jul 58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Horton  Albert E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Hosey David L x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
62xx Hostetler Dallas C x 62 x x 20250 6952nd orders 11-May-62
98105 Hotaling Melvin (deceased) E x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55, per veteran headstone Portland OR 1/4/2021
127 Hough Dave Kathy x 65 x 66 29251 Baker   w7gk_1@yahoo.com Hough Dave P.O. Box 2072 Elko NV 89803 7/19/2007
752 Hourigan Clifton Betty Sue Jun 62 Mar 64 29252 Delta Flt chourigan@att.net Hourigan Clifton P.O. Box 94 Lebanon Junction KY 40150 502-833-2065 11/15/2010
9047 House  John (deceased) A Kathy Dec 56 Oct 60 292x1 Dog Flt     House Kathy 3509 Old Post Road San Angelo TX 76904  325-949-5003 6/17/2018
98012 Hovis James (deceased) L x 55 x 58 Radio Maint.   6/9/2008
748 Howarth Virgil Anne x 58 Feb 60 Light Radio Repair, 1st Shift vhowarth@sbcglobal.net Howarth Virgil 2704 Inridge Dr Austin TX 78745 512-447-8968 8/21/2010
448 Howcott William x x x x x unknown Howcott William 106 Coldspring Road Freehold NJ 07728 5/10/2000
751 Hubbard Gary Aug 64 Mar 66 Radio Maint (30464) gchubbard@charter.net 11/15/2010
11 Hudspeth  Louis  Feb 66 Dec 66 292x1 Baker     Hudspeth Louis 8414 Glen Court San Antonio TX 78239  210-656-7199
8138 Hudson Robert O x 62 x x x 4/29/2024
98013 Huff Virgil (deceased) D x 53 x 56 x 6/9/2008
5657 Hughes Arvin C x  56 May 58 77150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
817 Hughes William E x 58 x 59 x b3934d@yahoo.com 5/3/2015
103 Hughes  Frank D Nance x 53 x 56 x frahugh@aol.com Hughes Frank 1039 Arbolado Road Santa Barbara CA 93103  805-965-2776 4/20/2006
145 Hughes  Owen P x 54 x 58 x (954)772-2980               4/22/2008
65xx Hull Edward N x 65 x x Personnel Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
60xx Hunt Albert W Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
a42 Hunt Bruce (Son of Robert Hunt (aka Dad) 52-54) beach_side_hunt@yahoo.com Bruce Hunt 215 46th Avenue St. Pete Beach FL 33706  732-861-8143 1/27/2009
5657 Hunt Charles M x  56 Dec 57 30452A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Hunt Marvin A x  56 Jun 59 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
449 Hunt Mrs. John  L Mary x 61 x 63 x (931)647-5636 Hunt Mary 2107 Memorial Dr. Clarksville TN 37040  931-647-5636
9250 Hunt Robert (deceased)  S  Carolyn x 52 x 54 Radio Intercept Op aka "Dad"               1/27/2009
98014 Hunter Guy (deceased) x x x x x 6/9/2008
a13 Hunter Mary (May) J Hunter Mary (May) P. O. Box 181 Victerville CA 92393
709 Hurlburt Vic x 64 x 66 29252, Dog Trick gvhurlburt@yahoo.com 5/10/2009
60xx Hurley William E x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
703 Huston Mike  x 62 x x x mikewhuston@sbcglobal.net Atascadero CA 2/21/2009
6162 Hynds William E x 61 x x 29252 various orders 61-62
625 Iano Tony P Sharon Oct 62 Jul 64 Non Morse Intercept Operator, A shift Tiano3579@aol.com Iano Tony 19979 182nd Av. Big Lake MN 55309  763-263-2321 6/21/2005
98097 Igou Robert (Bob) (deceased) D x 62 x x Y20250 6952nd orders 11-May-62 & 64, others Norristown PA 2/4/2020
781 Ingram Robert x 63 x 65 x taz54man@yahoo.com 1/14/2012
60xx Irvin Frank,Jr E x 60 x x 60350 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
61xx Isham Darrell EJ x 61 Apr 61 29251 SO Number B-96
450 Iverson Donald G Jane   59 x 63 x doniverson@aol.com Iverson Donald 323 Happy Jack Road Cheyenne WY 82007  307-638-8897
327 Ivey Art Dec 53 Dec 54 Radio Operator, A trick Amivey6@aol.com Ivey Art 323 Crooked Gulley Circle Sunset Beach NC 28468 910-575-6886 12/26/2013
52xx Iwanowski  Joseph A x 52 x x MSGT, Mess Hall SO #74-7May55
a14 Jackson Nora N/A x x x x x norajackson@verizon.net Jackson Nora 7909 Prince Georges Drive Fort Washington MD 20744  301-248-2527
451 Jackson Richard J  x x x x x (912)953-1211 Jackson Richard 316 Smithville Church Road Warner Robins GA 31088  912-953-1211
5657 Jackson Robert L x  56 Sep 57 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
6162 Jacobe David L x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
5657 Jacobs James E x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
98015 Jacobs Paul (deceased)  D x x x x x 6/9/2008
676 Jacobs Richard (Dick)  A Oct 54 Dec 55 Electronic Intercept rjacobs72@cox.net Scottsdale AZ 1/3/2008
794 Jacobson Ralph E Donna Feb 62 Feb 65 29251-Morse Code Intercept rinsac@aol.com 11/21/2012
5657 James Carlton P x  56 Sep 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 James Richard x 56 x x 64151 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
452 Jameson Lowell  R Barbara x 55 x 56 x Lt Col/C.O.               3/27/2008
64xx Janko Andrew G x 64 x x 29251 SO P-51 10Jun64
60xx Jarman Walter, Jr A x 60 Feb 61 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
453 Jasper Woodrow Loraine x 61 x 63 x (510) 636-1635 Jasper Woodrow 2544 Ritchie Oakland  CA 94605  510-636-1635
454 Jenkins Benny C Terry x 55 x x x unknown Jenkins Benny 5013 Green Valley Circle San Angelo TX 76901
5657 Jenkins Melvin L x  56 Jul 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9012 Jenkins  Charles (deceased) E Helen x 61 x 64 Special Services   Jenkins Helen 915 Hathaway Rd . Suite 201 New Bedford MA 02740  508-994-4002 1/19/2020
55xx Jenne  Claire A x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
455 Jobe Charles H x x x x x cjobe1@aol.com Jobe Charles 1129 Berkshire Dr. MacEdonia OH 44056 7/26/2022
9418 John  Patrick (deceased) Sandy (deceased) x 61 x 63 C trick per his son       Volusia FL 7/25/2022
55xx Johnson Arthur L x 55 x x SSGT 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
456 Johnson Carl W Mary x 60 x x x unknown Johnson Carl PO Box 6 Ripon CA 95366
457 Johnson Charles G x x x x x unknown Johnson Charles 527 N.W. 36th St. Gainesville FL   2/3/2006
5657 Johnson Dale E x  56 Jul 59 29230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
696 Johnson Dale (Johnny) A   Jan 63 Dec 65 Ground Com Equipment Repair,  Easy Flt mapajohnson@eatel.net Johnson Dale 40062 Ronda Ave. Prairieville LA 70769  225-622-5523 12/5/2008
64xx Johnson David D x 64 x x 3530C SO P-18 6Feb64
60xx Johnson David E x 60 Mar 61 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
63xx Johnson Gene E x 63 May 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
5657 Johnson Hans R x 56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Johnson James H x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
61xx Johnson Jerome C x 61 May 63 29251 6952nd orders 01-Oct-61
61xx Johnson Kenneth L x 61 x x 29271 6952nd orders 25-July-61
5657 Johnson Lee   x  56 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Johnson Luke J x  56 Nov 58 64010 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
a15 Johnson Mary Johnson Mary 12661 Sunny Meadows Drive Mereno Valley CA 92553
55xx Johnson Richard C x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
9720 Johnson Robert (deceased) W x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61 and update 9/8/2009
460 Johnson Stanley Dottie x 60 x 62 x (626)792-9588 Johnson Stanley 1494 Waverly Road San Marino CA 91108  626-792-9588
57xx Johnson Wilbur O x 57 x x x per other alumni 10/3/2009
45 Johnson  Don June Oct 55 Jun 59 Charlie   judoj@airmail.net Johnson Don 1236 Melissa Drive Roanoke TX 76262 1/8/2002
332 Johnson  Joe  H Ann x 60 x 63 Comm Ctr fishinjoe88@hotmail.com Johnson Joseph 7439 Wymart Rd. Pensacola FL 32526-3917  850-944-2867 2/17/2004
281 Johnson  Napoleon Oct 60 Nov 62 x napj@hotmail.com     5/10/2002
730 Johnston Keith Sep 58 x 60 w20270 kjohnstonx1@netzero.com Johnston Keith 7618 Stagecoach San Antonio TX 78227 210-674-5596 12/18/2009
59xx Jolly Ralph x 59 x x Comm Ctr per others
61xx Jones Junior x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
762 Jones Larry M x 61 x 63 29251 larryjones1942@yahoo.com Jones Larry P.O. Box 3034 Beaver UT 84713 435-418-0251 2/2/2017
6162 Jones Maurice D x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
61xx Jones Ralph, Jr F x 61 x x 29252 6952nd orders 01-Oct-61
55xx Jones Walter D x 55 x x TSGT SO #74-7May55
61xx Jones Walter, Jr P x 61 x x 29251 SO Number B-96
324 Jones  Glen (Lad) May 61 May 64 Morse Intercept Op, Able Flt gwj1080@wmconnect.com     2/22/2005
187 Jones  Ken  Mary Apr 59 Jul 60 Power Plant   KENJMAR1@prodigy.net     12/12/2000
325 Jones  Larry  Rose Jan 59 Jan 62 Baker Trick ljones45@cox.net Jones Larry 903 N. 10th Humboldt KS 66748 620-473-3162 2/17/2004
266 Jones  Scott Janette x 58 x 63 Com Center   Scojan0400@aol.com       1/15/2002
111 Jones  Willie  Aug 64 Jun 66 x wejones@msn.com     1/10/2001
5657 Jordan-Valentine Hector L x 56 x x W20230 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
55xx Jorgensen  Robert E x 55 x x 1/LT, OIC Ops-3 SO #74-7May55
461 Joseph Ronnie x x x x x unknown Joseph Ronnie 257 Moulton San Franciso CA 94123
9462 Jubinski John (deceased)    x 64 x x C flt, Mission Supv                 6/9/2008
644 Juckett Otha Eugene Martha (daughter) x 59 x x Commisary martha@greenrivercom.com Gracey Martha 629 Linwood Drive Denton TX 76209 3/22/2006
60xx Kaase Herman G x 60 x x 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
802 Kaczka Eugene Anne Jul 61 Sep 64 HQ 73250 elk4854@gmail.com 7/10/2013
180 Kaczynski Henry  (Hank) Nov 60 Aug 64 202 Charlie Flt  hmkaczy@msn.com     2/24/2007
62xx Kaiser Kenneth, Jr R x 62 x x 29251 6952nd orders 11-May-62
60xx Kariolich richard W x 60 x x 29251 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
6162 Katzenberger James A x 61 x x 62250 various orders 61-62
98016 Kavetski Louis (deceased) J Kathy (Deceased) x 55 x x SSGT 6/9/2008
55xx Keddy  George, Jr L x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
a16 Keefe Betty             4/22/2008
9463 Keefe Francis (Don(deceased) x 61 x 64 x                 6/7/2009
297 Keene Robert F Kay May 60 Mar 64 Radio Intercept Analyst, Baker Flt BobKayKeene@msn.com Keene Robert 2222 Orlando Place Sierra Vista AZ 85635  520-559-0843 4/20/2006
61xx Keeney Roger B x 61 x x 29232 SO Number B-96
98008 Kelley Captain (deceased) P x 55 x 58 64173 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 6/9/2008
a34 Kelley John D (Son of Captain Princeton Kelley (55-58)) john.kelley@hq.doe.gov 6/12/2008
5657 Kelley John P x  56 Jul 58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Kelley Letcher C x 61 x x 29251 SO Number B-96
61xx Kelly George D x 61 x x 6952nd orders 27-Aor-61
5657 Kelly Rolla, Jr H x  56 Jan 59 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Kelly Winford R x 60 x x 55270 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
814 Kendall Jackie (Jack) Jan 63 Dec 64 x jacncon@comcast.net 5/24/2014
6162 Kendrick Raymond I x 61 x x 20250 various orders 61-62
464 Kennedy John x x x x x (302) 697-0449 Kennedy John 105 Bluestone Ct. Camden DE 19934  302-697-0449
465 Kennedy Robert   x x x x x (541)276-7732 Kennedy Robert 2439 SW Perkins Ave. Pendelton OR 97801  541-276-7732 1/30/2001
9099 Kennedy  Judson (deceased) W Sarah Jan 59 Mar 60 Charlie Flt   scotburgh@aol.com Kennedy Sarah 209 Artillery Road Yorktown VA 23692  757-833-0458 4/11/2024
55xx Kenney  Ervin E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55  
9466 Kerdus Robert (deceased) D Jan Harthan x 53 x 55 x (641) 422-9685 Kerdus Jan 1024 Manor Dr. Mason City IA 50401  641-422-9685 1/8/2015
6162 Kern Fredrick C x 61 x x 29252 various orders 61-62
6162 Kerr Mathew, Jr x 61 x x 77150 various orders 61-62
55xx Kerrigan  Stephen  T x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
467 Ketchum Arthur H x 53 x 55 x (440) 284-9706 Ketchum Arthur 100 Asbury Lane #1302 Elyria OH 44035  440-284-9706 1/4/2012
805 Ketron Earl Nov 53 jun 55 20250 Eketron@cfl.rr.com 7/19/2013
468 Kidd Charles J (Deceased) x 56 x 59 x (812)275-7721 Kidd Charles 910 23rd St. Bedford IN 47421  812-275-7721
6163 Kidd Timothy     W x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
60xx Kiefer James M Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
60xx Kiefer James M x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Oct-60 12/26/2010
59xx Kiernan Richard M x 59 Apr 62 29232 6952nd orders 07-May-59
64xx Killin Richard L x 64 x x 29252 SO P-18 6Feb64
53xx Killmer Jackie R x 53 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55 and others
5657 Kimbrell John E x  56 Aug 59 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Kimerling Roscoe, Jr E x  56 May 58 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Kimlin Pat x 61 x x x other alumni 1/10/2010
55xx King Lewellyn L x 55 x x MSGT Tech Services SO #74-7May55 and others
5657 Kinney Harold J x  56 Jan 58 20230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
2 Kirkham  Tom  Tina Jul 64 Feb 66 292x2 Charlie Flt   tkirkham45@gmail.com               4/22/2008
98098 Kirkhuff II Miles (deceased) L Dianne Sep 62 Jul 65 Ground Radio Com Tech   PA 3/25/2020
1 Kirkley  Duncan F Anne Jan 61 Jun 64 292x1 Dog Flt     Kirkley Duncan 1 Saratoga Drive Goolwa  North, SA AUS 5214 08-8555-0829 0402-000-278 10/10/2011
62xx Kirtland Larry R x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
60xx Klepplinger James J x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
469 Kling Dave Maxine x 60 x x 20351 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 Kling Dave 3973 Mountain road Warfordsburg PA 17267-3976
5657 Klora Kenneth L x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Kluesner Morlen J x 55 x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Knapp  Charles M x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
62xx Knight David E x 62 x x x 6952nd orders 11-May-62
60xx Knighten James   x 60 May 62 29232 6952nd orders 21-Jan-60
114 Knoblock  Walt  F Sandy x 61 x 64 Dog Flt   waltinlv@aol.com Knoblock Walter 4233 Kisha Ct Las Vegas NV 89130  702-655-0566
98117 Koehl George (deceased) L Elizabeth x 59 x 62 C Flt, Non Morse 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60, obituary Carrollton TX 10/29/2021
98017 Koley Ronald (deceased) P. Apr 60 Aug 62 29231   Pasadena MD 6/9/2008
65xx Konecny Jerome C x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
55xx Koogler Joe K x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55 10/3/2009
56xx Kouzes James (Jim) x 56 x x x per newspaper drowning story 8/23/2008
5657 Kowalczyk Anthony E x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
767 Krause Ronald E Gina Jan 62 Jan 65 Delta Flt NMIO rkrause@surewest.net Krause Ronald 4416 Vico Way Sacramento CA 95864 916-481-4792 6/9/2011
341 Kraynak Jerry C x 62 x 64 Morse Intercept (727) 376-8884 Kraynak Jerry 2900 Westmoreland Ct New Port Richey FL 34655-3519  727-376-8884 5/7/2004
5657 Krenick Gary A x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Krikorian Rafft A x 61 x x 67170 6952nd orders 31-May-61
70 Kroll  Dan  W Jan (deceased) Nov 53 Oct 57 Dog   DKro5@ aol.com Kroll Daniel 11502 Trinity Hill Dr. Austin TX 78753  512-836-2789 6/20/2001
6xxx Kruger Robert Maureen x 6x x x per others 7/21/2019
8140 Kuegler Joe x 53 x x x per Eddie Dee 4/29/2024
6162 Krutsick John P x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
56xx Kuhn William M x 56 x x x 6952nd orders 22-Mar-56 12/6/2010
471 Kuligowski Stanley F x x x x x unknown Kuligowski Stanley 85 N. High St. Derry NH 03038-2226 3/26/2005
61xx Kunkle Robert A x 61 x x 20230 SO Number B-96
59xx Kunst Thomas E x 59 Dec 60 73250 6952nd orders 07-May-59
60xx Kunze Kenneth E x 60 x x 40150 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
55xx Kurzawa  Edmund J x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
836 Kykendall William (Bill) x 56 x 58 x per Dale Nelson 5/5/2020
9472 Kyllonen Michael (deceased) W Agnes x 61 x 63 x  per obit       Park Rapids MN 56470-1338   5/6/2020
5657 Kyte Hurley W x  56 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
60xx La Barbera Frank J Apr 60 Jun 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
5657 Labarge Richard C x  56 Jun 58 70230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
64xx Lacy Allen W x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Lacy Elza C x 55 x x 1/LT Transportation AF photo
823 LaFlam Lee R Feb 56 Jul 57 293 from guestbook 5/18/2016
64xx Laich Marvin J x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
6162 Laine Frans, Jr E x 61 x x 62250 various orders 61-62
60xx Laird Ross J Apr 60 Jun 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
335 Lambert Lawrence L Mary Mar 58 Feb 59 Morse Intercept Op, Swing  Shift llambert@mtco.com     3/29/2004
265 Lambert Lawrence Frances Dec 54 Feb 58 Traffic Analyst   retired@socal.rr.com     1/15/2002
55xx Lambert Richard I x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
285 Lameyer Norman L Margaret Apr 60 Apr 65 R291 COM/COMSEC ACCT bagpipesnll@hotmail.com Lameyer Norman 1835 Amberwood Dr Riverview FL 33569-4230  813-685-4108 6/20/2005
98073 Lampinen Kenneth (deceased)  C x 52 x 55 x x 10/9/2015
6162 Lampman Gordon B x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
55xx Land  William, Jr H x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
65xx Lane Kahnas x 65 x x Fire Dept Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
98089 Lane Larry (deceased) M x  56 Jul 59 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & 7-May-59 and his son Tucson AZ 5/13/2019
473 Lang Bob Jessie x 55 x x x unknown Lang Bob 312 4th Street Katawissa PA 17820 3/16/2008
9082 Lange  Richard  (deceased) M Elizabeth tour1 x 54 x 55 Baker X2     Lange Elizabeth   11300 Wild Pine San Antonio TX 78253   2/16/2021
9082 Lange  Richard  (deceased) M Elizabeth tour2 x 60 x 63 x   2/16/2021
9474 Lannon Cormac (deceased) M x x x x x       2210 Dairy Farm Rd. Gambrills MD 21054-1256 2/16/2021
5657 Lapier Elwyn S x  56 Jul 59 29230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56  
9224 Larimore Andrew (Andy) (deceased) Sheila tour1 x 56 x 57 Com Center, C Flt   alarimore@gmail.com       11/7/2007
9224 Larimore Andrew (Andy) (deceased)  Sheila tour2 x 59 x 63 Com Center, C Flt   alarimore@gmail.com   11/7/2007
173 Larkins William (Bill) x 62 x 64 292x2 D Flt linda190@webtv.net Larkins William (Bill) 1715 NW Hwy 102 Scammon KS 66773-2201  316-479-3475 2/22/2001
142 Larrabee  Mike  x 61 x 64 Air Police   hillfolks@sierratel.com    
61xx Larsen Harry C x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
55xx Lathon  Leroy x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
5657 Lattuca Rosario S x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
809 Laughlin Cloyd W x 57 x 60 x cloydl@aol.com Lauglin Cloyd 630 W Prien Lake Rd, Suite B  Lake Charles LA 70601 337-884-6794 2/1/2014
9249 Lavelle Ann (deceased)   x 56 x 66 Service Clubs annelavelle@yahoo.co.uk Lavelle Anne East Calder, West Lothian Scotland     8/19/2014
680 Lavigne Roger J x 60 x 63 x rogerlvgn@yahoo.com Laviigne Roger 329 Burgess Ct. Berlin NH 05370  603-752-1971 3/21/2008
64xx Lavoie Roger B x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
98079 Lawless Wm. (Bill) (deceased) E Gladys Aug 61 Aug 64 Cryptographer glawless2@outlook.com  (son) Chula Vista CA 1/11/2018
61xx Lawrence Paul C x 61 x x Personnel 6952nd orders 26-Apr-61 Captain
475 Lawson Lorenzo x x x x x (210) 655-392 Lawson Lorenzo 10110 Grand Park St. San Antonio TX 78239-1105  210-655-392
9013 Layne  Jerry (deceased)  E Joan Mar 61 Mar 64 Charlie Flt, 202   jblayne17@verizon.net Layne Joan 2569 Forest Knoll Annapolis MD 21401  410-573-9425 2/2/2013
55xx Le Bleu  Gordon E x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
55xx Leadinghouse David V x 55 x x 6952nd orders 07-Feb-56
61xx Leary Leroy x 61 x x x per other alumni 1/16/2010
784 Leavell Dan i x 53 Oct 56 Supply dcl2106@aol.com 2/19/2012
55xx Ledding Roger E x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
9112 Ledet  Elwood (deceased) J Dec 53 Dec 54 292/202 Baker Flt           San Angelo TX     4/12/2014
837 Lee Kenny x 56 x 58 x per Dale Nelson 5/5/2020
9770 Lee S. (deceased) T x 55 x 57 Cook 6/18/2011
5657 Lee William W x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9014 Lee  Norman (deceased) T Norma (deceased) x 58 x 63 292x1 Able Flt    obituary       Grand Prairie TX 75052-6914   5/21/2022
9015 Leete  James (deceased)  R Betty (deceased) tour1 Oct 53 Dec 56 Ops 202         Wrentham MA 02093     12/28/2015
9015 Leete  James (deceased)  R Betty (deceased) tour2 Sep 59 Sep 60 DF Site 59-60   12/28/2015
830 Leggett Charles M May 62 Mar 65 Able Flt, J20250 cleggett1937@aol.com 1/30/2017
61xx Leininger Lenny x 61 x x x other alumni 1/10/2010
9294 Leonard Harold (deceased)  Marilyn Jun 52 Jun 55 Statistical Services (7535th)   Marilyn Harold 104 Glenwood Dr Crossville TN 38558-8602  931-456-5459 7/21/2020
64xx Lepoer Richard B x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Lesher Jere C x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
60xx Leslie John F x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
9476 Levander Richard (deceased)   Joyce x 53 x 55 x (308)946-3537 Levander Joyce 1730 Riverside Rd. Central City NE 68826  308-946-3537 6/19/2004
55xx Levesque  Ronald L x 55 x x x SO #74-7May55
787 Levine Robert B Apr 59 May 60 Staff Judge Advocate taxguy1ster@gmail.com Levine Robert 190 Miniola Miniola NY 11501 516-248-2537 516-241-9662 4/22/2012
64xx Levine Robert H x 64 x x 29231 SO P-51 10Jun64
55xx Lewis Marvin E x 55 x x x SO #74-7Maay55
645 Lewis  George D Maureen Apr 62 Sep 64 Accounting & Finance georgecoinworld@aol.com Lewis George 4 Westminster Croft Brackley, Northants UK NN!13 7ED 5/1/2006
51 Lewis  Jim  D   Apr 64 Nov 65 Dog Flt CO   lewdog1220@gmail.com         NC   321-720-4494 2/3/2006
220 Lewis  Leo  Charleszetta x 62 x 66 x Leoshug@aol.com Lewis Leo 4706 Ridge Ave. Kokomo IN 46901  765-210-7034 3/8/2021
63xx Lindberg Donald B x 63 May 63 20250 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
624 Lindstrom Walter (Dan) Joan mail1 Apr 62 Aug 64 292x2 Charlie Flt   dannyl43@netzero.com Walter (Dan) Lindstrom 1270 Travel Trail Wauchula FL 33873 1/3/2010
624 Lindstrom Walter (Dan) Joan mail2 Apr 62 Aug 64 292x2 Charlie Flt   dannyl43@netzero.com Walter (Dan) Lindstrom 47 Reed Ave Cranston RI 02901 1/3/2010
738 Linko, Sr. Michael Eva (deceased) x 52 x 54 michaellinkosr1@comcast.net Linko Michael 126 Hickory Dr Hatfield PA 19440-4011 215-853-0572 4/24/2015
5657 Linnen Floyd, Jr E x  56 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
98114 Linsenbigler Edward (deceased) E x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Oct-60 & obituary McKeesport PA 5/21/2021
9033 Lipham  Wm. (Bill) (deceased) M Doreen (deceased) tour1 Sep 53 Mar 55 First time 292x1        Arnold MD 21012-1451   1/20/2018
9033 Lipham  Wm. (Bill) (deceased) M Doreen (deceased) tour2 Aug 56 Feb 60 Second time 202x0   1/20/2018
9459 Lipscomb Glen (deceased) R Connie x 60 x x 64650 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 Lipscomb Connie 887 Chapman Dr. Jacksonville FL 32221
9477 Litalien Roger (deceased)+C48 A Helen x x x x x obituary       San Antonio TX 78227 5/21/2021
60xx Litchard David O Apr 60 Jul 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
619 Little  John J Sheila Jan 60 May 63 292x2 C Flt jjlittle@optonline.net Little  John 210 Arlington Ave Yardville NJ 08620-1206  609-585-1858 3/11/2005
9313 Littlefield Richard (Hawk)(deceased) G Pat (deceased) Jan 60 Jul 62 Non-Morse Op, Trick 3         Sierra Vista AZ 85650   12/12/2023
a17 Litwin Sheila Litwin Sheila P.O. Box 8254 Scottsdale AZ 85252
138 Litwin  Stephen  C Jan 61 Jan 64 Able 292x?   stephen_litwin@yahoo.com Litwin Stephan 1829 E. Morten Ave. Apt 223 Phoenix AZ 85020  602-400-4750 9/16/2006
478 Lloyd Joe W x 60 x x x unknown Lloyd Joe 15062 Andrews Drive Denver CO 80239
9308 Lloyd Royce (deceased)   Mary x 56 x 59 Able Flight                   6/9/2008
9028 Lockett  Timothy  (deceased) L x 61 x 63 Cook     Detroit MI 48221   3/25/2013
55xx Loew Randall E x 55 x x 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
6162 Logsdon Thomas E x 61 x x 29251 various orders 61-62
60xx Lombardi Dino B x 60 Mar 61 29131 6952nd orders 15- Apr-60
55xx Longshore Ralph E x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
55xx Lonsdale  Robert W x 55 x x SSGT SO #74-7May55
9607 Lorentzen Duane (AL) (deceased) June V. (deceased) Jan 59 Jun 62 Intercept Op, C Trick         Inverness IL 60010  847-991-5220 12/12/2023
65xx Love   Bert G x 65 x x Air Police   Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
9196 Lovett Robert (deceased)  x 61 x 64 292x1 Dog Flt           NC 28117   9/27/2016
212 Lowe Buford (Leon)  Marion Mar 61 May 63 Non-morse Int, B Flt blowe@thistlefineart.com Lowe Leon 31A Granite St Rockport MA 01966 978-546-9012 8/29/2010
98018 Lowry Robert (deceased) L x 63 x 66 x 6/9/2008
64xx Lowry Thomas C x 64 x x Captain SO P-51 10Jun64
5657 Lucas Sylvester F x  56 May 59 20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Ludwig Harvey A Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
55xx Luksa  Andrew S x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
61xx Lukse Raymond J x 61 Jan 64 77150 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
60xx Luttrell Jack W x 60 x x 36370B 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
137 Luzzo  Frank  B Elizabeth Apr 59 Apr 63 292x1  luzzoone@fuse.net Luzzo Frank 10421 Twinkle Lane Cincinnati OH 45242-4938  512-793-6547 11/19/2007
55xx Lykins Sewell L x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
55xx Lynch John P x 55 x x x
9479 Lynch John (deceased) P x 55 x x x           TX 78063   10/16/2018
296 Lynch Robert (Bob) Laurie Apr 54 Sep 54 Radio Intercept, C Flt  anon2@iland.net     12/13/2002
753 Lynch William (Bill) J Mar 57 Dec 57 292x1 Dog Trick ne2h@msn.com 11/15/2010
55xx Lynn  Samuel A x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55
5557 Lyon Dewayne F x  5557 Dec 57 36370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx MacCulloch George D x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
275 MacFarlane Charles (Chuck) E Evelyn May 60 May 63 x1 Baker Flt Macfarlanee@aol.com MacFarlane Charles (Chuck) Rt. 3 Box 279 Rusk TX 75785-9569  903-683-4952 5/15/2005
310 MacKenzie Robert (Bob) Vickie Apr 64 x close R29252 D Flt bobnthesun@aol.com MacKenzie Bob 103 Tarpon Bay Moorings Port St Lucie FL 34952 772-408-4737 8/28/2013
55xx Madden  Henry J x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
100 Maddox  Edward (Ted)  Celia Aug 61 Jun 64 Baker Flt   edcelia@cenazcom.net Maddox Ted 19850 E. Arrowhead Trl Queen Creek AZ 85242-4913  480-987-9322 3/27/2008
329 Maddox  Zane Jan 58 Jan 59 292x1 A Trick zmaddox@smud.org     1/30/2004
480 Madsen Kenneth Nancy x 63 x x x (715) 268-4922 Madsen Kenneth 662 Harriman Ave S. Amery WI 54001-1206  715-268-4922
299 Magee William (Bill)  Margaret Jun 59 Jun 61 Morse Intercept Op, B Flt wmagee@carolina.rr.com Magee William 5316 Wrens Nest Lane Charlotte NC 28269  704-992-1405 1/5/2007
638 Magnus Don Mar 64 Dec 64 Radio Intercept Analyst dmagnus@somtel.net     1/6/2006
55xx Maiolo  Ralph, Jr x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
292 Malinowski Edward, Jr x 61 x 63 B Flt & Bowling Alley Mgr edmalin01@aol.com     10/13/2002
481 Mallery David G x 63 x 64 x dmallery@toad.net Mallery David 464 Old Orchard Circle Millersville MD 21108  410-987-5110
55xx Malloy  Edwing A x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
667 Maloney Edward (Ed)  J   Apr 60 Jul 61 x ejmaloney@ejmaloney.com Maloney Edward (Ed) 3 Sunrise Court Rockville MD 29854 2/20/2007
55xx Mandl Charles F x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
8139 Mann Harry x 53 x x x per Eddie Dee 4/29/2024
5557 Mansell George, Jr E x  55 Dec 57 55250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98111 Mantz Joseph, Jr (deceased) E. Ruth x 53 x x x SO #74 7May55 & search Reynoldsburg OH 3/25/2021
98111 Mantz Joseph, Jr (deceased) E. Ruth x 61 x x 73250 6952nd orders 25-July-61 & search Reynoldsburg OH 3/25/2021
6162 Markley Albert  R x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
9482 Marks William (deceased) I x 61 x x Mission Supv, B Flt From Obituary 4/12/08             8/8/2008
806 Markus Stephan (Steve) Dolores Jan 54 Dec 54 Intercept Operator dsmarkus140@yahoo.com Markus Steve 140 Roley Yuma Rd Columbia KY 42728 270-469-3914 7/28/2013
707 Markusen James R x 62 x 63 x jrmarkus@comcast.net Markusen James 14771 Hole In One Cr. PH5 Ft Myers FL 33919 239-292-9933 5/4/2009
61xx Marquis Calvin F x 61 May 63 20250 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
9483 Marsella Joseph (deceased) Marge x 55 x 57 x                 3/15/2011
484 Marshall Herbert E x x x x x (804)271-2296 Marshall Herbert 3732 Cottrell Road Richmond VA 23234  804-271-2296
61xx Martin Curtis W x 61 Nov 62 29151 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
61xx Martin David R x 61 x x 29271 6952nd orders 31-May-61
59xx Martin Lewis E x 59 Apr 62 29232 6952nd orders 07-May-59
55xx Martin Millard W x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55
718 Martin Raymond Mar 52 Mar 55 Tech Services remartin22@gmail.com 8/12/2009
9626 Martin Robert(deceased) W Wilma x 59 x 62 292 operator Martinosyka@aol.com Martin Bob 1070 Hwy 584 West Osyka MS 39657  601-542-3298 9/11/2014
60xx Martin William T x 60 Oct 61 77130 6952nd orders 15-Apr-60
844 Martinez Ronald W Irene May 61 May 64 Delta Flt, 29252 ronaldmartinez@att.net Ronald Martinez 6548 Gaines Ferry Rd Flowery Branch GA 30542 770-965-7175 678-316-2311 11/8/2021
485 Mason John x x x x x (407)574-5813 Mason John 2905 Clovis Dr. Deltona FL 32738-8934  407-574-5813
5657 Masters Glen L x  56 Jun 58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
a31 Match Una-Marie (Daughter of John (Guy) O'Leary (55-59)) unamatch@yahoo.com Match Una-Marie 1221 S. Congress Ave #1022 Austin TX 78704  414-243-3945 2/15/2007
651 Matenaer Frank Anne Russell Jan 59 Feb 60 Radio Operator, D Trick f.matenaer@sbcglobal.net Matenaer Frank 1821 Canary Street West Bend WI 53090 2/26/2007
5657 Mathews Gary R x  56 Dec 57 20150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Mathis George K x 61 Nov 62 30452 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
486 Mathis John A Margaret x 54 x 58 x (423)693-5683     address bad 3/26/08+O42        423-693-5683
487 Matowitz Norma x x x x x (210)523-6941 Matowitz Norma 902 Havelock San Antonio TX 78254  210-523-6941
488 Maxfield Roland E x 53 x 54 x (727)822-5269 Maxfield Roland 2001 83rd Ave. N.  Lot 5127 St. Petersburg FL 33702-3937  727-822-5269
6163 Mayer Joseph F x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
55xx Mayer Theodore L x 55 x x 20250 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
9489 Mazor Walter (deceased) E Armo E. x 60 x 63 x (937)864-2354 Mazor Armo 2012 Willow Run Cir. Enon OH 45323  937-864-2354 6/9/2008
490 McAllister John Marcia x 59 x 62 x (770) 996-9503 McAllister John 1570 Fair Haven Dr. Riverdale GA 30296  770-996-9503
9131 McAllister  Lewis (deceased) L May 54 Sep 55 x         7/2/2018
5557 McAndrews Carl L x  55 Mar 58 29270 SO #74 7May55
55xx McAulay William, Jr H x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
65xx McBrayer Clyde,Jr A x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
269 McCaffrey Richard (Mac) x 52 x 55 x af27542@juno.com     2/9/2002
248 McCall George Margaret mail2 x 55 x 58 Admin  marben234@hotmail.com McCall George 448 Sheridan Road New Bethlehem PA 16242   5/30/2009
248 McCall George  Margaret mail1 x 55 x 58 Admin  marben234@hotmail.com McCall George 1739 SW35th Circle      (winter) Okeechobee FL 34974 5/30/2009
5657 McCallister James E x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx McCanliss  Lloyd V x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55        
63xx McCann David x 63 x x Delta Flt per photo 7/24/2011
8112 McCann Donald G Mary Helen x 64 x x 29251 SO P-18 6Feb64 & obitituary Marietta GA 4/26/2021
163 McCann  Patrick  Cathy (deceased) Jan 60 Oct 63 Dispensary   cpmccann@adelphia.net     7/14/2003
97 McCardle  Lester W x 54 x 57 Dog Flt   lm295@aol.com.au McCardle Lester 3307 Oxford Dr. W. Bradenton FL 34205  941-758-1945 1/30/2001
55xx McCarthy Lawrence, Jr x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
9577 McCarthy  Bill (deceased)  x x x x x 5/15/2008
9005 McCarthy  Howard (deceased)  Helen x 56 x 58 202x0 TI Desk   mccarthy@pacific.net              707-263-3522 7/1/2013
491 McCarty Jim x x x x x (907)248-5656 McCarty Jim 3807 Galactica Dr. Anchorage AK 99517  907-248-5656
306 McCleerey Dennis L Nov 62 Oct 64 R&D/D Shift dlmcc42@hotmail.com     Surprixe AZ 85387 206-295-8547 6/14/2021
61xx McClintock John x 61 x x x other alumni 1/9/2010
60xx McCloskey Michael L x 60 x x 20250 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
716 McClung Lake M x 55 x 58 supply/materiel elmcclung@earthlink.net 7/19/2009
715 McClung (Monaghan) Essie x 55 x 56 supply/materiel elmcclung@earthlink.net 7/19/2009
5657 McCollough Walter E x  56 x x x 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
832 McCorkle Robert B x 63 x x x irishm@zoominternet.net McCorkle Robert 533 Carnot Rd Coraopolis PA 15108 6/1/2018
63xx McCown Orgest G x 63 May 63 20250 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
55xx McCoy Donald R x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
55xx McCoy James A x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
5657 McCoy Ulyesses D x  56 Jan 59 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
96 McCraw  Denny  Barbara Jan 65 Jan 66 x   themccraws@bellsouth.net     7/9/2006
60xx McDaniel Samuel L Apr 60 Aug 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
6162 McDermott Bobby L x 61 x x 64550 various orders 61-62
a18 McDonald Annette annettemcdee@cybernet1.com McDonald Annette Rainbow's End 803 Indian Prairie Loop Victor MT 59875  406-642-3445 10/16/2010
78 McDonald  Frank  B Jeannette May 59 Jun 62 Base Engineer Office   crutchman@worldnet.att.net McDonald Frank 106 Flintstone Dr. San Antonio TX 78213-3311  210-342-2904
65xx McDonough Joseph M x 65 x x TSGT SO P-9 7Jan65
9824 McEvoy James (deceased) F x  55 Sep 58 29351 per obituary Butler PA 7/15/2015
729 McFarland Alfred Mar 59 Nov 59 29252 C shift alfredmcfarland@att.net 12/10/2009
5657 McGarroll Michael J x  56 Sep 58 73270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
492 McGee Nelson B Jenny x 59 x x x Air Police McGee Nelson 810 Riverside Ave. San Angelo TX 76905
67 McGhee  Bill  T Dawn L.  Nov 53 Dec 54 x   btmcghee@earthlink.net McGhee Billy P.O. Box 8095 Riverside CA 92515  909-352-1580 1/30/2001
55 McGill  James (Jim)  T Sep 53 Oct 56 Baker, Charlie, Day Flt 202   jimmoka.1@juno.com McGill James (Jim) 2012 Donegon Place Orlando FL 32826  407-658-0727 11/18/2004
5557 McGough Donald R x  55 x x 29351 SO #74 7May55
5657 McGowan Henry L x  56 May 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx McGowan Leslie H x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
55xx McGowan Norman L x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
9016 McGraw  Bob  (deceased) Pat x 56 x 58 x   quinwood@aol.com McGraw Pat 4320 Vinewood Lane Plymouth MN 55442  612-559-5464
678 McGregor Richard (Mac) x 61 x 62 x rich.macg@live.com 2/14/2008
277 McGrew James (Jim) Jan 56 Oct 58 Tech Services JimmyGimme@aol.com McGrew James (Jim) 2014 Monticello Ave Springdale AR 72762-5066  479-872-2942 4/11/2002
307 McGuire Dennis  V   x 56 x 59 20250 dennymc@tampabay.rr.com McGuire Dennis 3034 Eastland Blvd. Unit D-106 Clearwater FL 33761  727-791-1446 6/6/2003
55xx McGuire Thomas L x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
493 Mchatton Paul  V Iris x 64 x 66   machat19@aol.com McHatten Paul 26 Conger Rd Worcester MA 01602  508-757-7941 5/30/2013
a36 McInnes Hazel (Daughter of Jack (Tiny) Hartman - early 50's)  hazey48@hotmail.co.uk 8/1/2008
61xx McIntire William A x 61 x x 20230 SO Number B-96
61xx McIntosh Ben H x 61 Feb 61 20351 6952nd orders 25-July-61
494 McIntyre William C Jeanne Margot x 54 x 56 x mcintyre@mail.smu.edu McIntyre William 2914 Flagstone Drive Garland TX 75044  972-495-2775
495 McKee Jerry C Jean x 53 x 56 x (907)344-2043 McKee Jerry 6835 Hyatt St. Anchorage AK 99507  907-344-2043
496 McKellip Howard L Catherine x 54 x 58 x ??/howard.mckellip@gte.net               4/22/2008
56xx McKennley x 56 x x Tech Services  Tech Services photo
a47 McKeown Alastair (Son of Nelson McKeown the police constable of Kirknewton) al.mckeown@blueyonder.co.uk McKeown Alastair 194 Almond Street Grangemouth UK FK3 8PT 01324 875712 11/2/2009
55xx McKinley Ronald O x 55 x x SO #74 7May55
60xx McKinney Charles M Apr 60 Jun 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
55xx McKirnan  John F x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
a49 McLachlan Fiona (daughter of Elizabeth (Mary) Rintoul - base secretary) fiona.boomer155@blueyonder.co.uk 11/24/2009
60xx McLaughlin James, Jr J Apr 60 Jun 62 29231 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
287 McMahon Joe  Christine Apr 61 Sep 62 202 Able & Easy Flt cnjmcmahon@cox.net     8/25/2002
60xx McMillen Luther M x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
5657 McMullen James B x  56 May 58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
65xx McMurtry James T x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
5657 McNair Curtis E x  56 Oct 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
765 McNelley Thomas (Tom) R Mar 59 May 59 29251 tmmcnelley@msn.com 512-444-0540 512-779-0589 5/20/2011
61xx McStrevick John E x 61 Nov 61 29252 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
686 Meadows James (Jim) H Dec 60 Aug 62 x senatorjim@ctc.net Meadows Jim 1407 Debbie Circle Kannapolis NC 28083  704-932-2433 7/3/2008
61xx Meadows Kenneth M x 61 x x C29271 6952nd orders 25-July-61
5657 Meagher Robert J x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
155 Meagher  James  P Louise Apr 62 Mar 63 Able   jmeagher@cfl.rr.com Meagher James 640 Misty Creek Drive Melbourne FL 32940  321-752-0742 2/22/2001
497 Meats Sheldon x x x x x unknown Meats Sheldon 1968 A & M Ave. San Angelo TX 76904
772 Meier Ken Aug 60 Apr 61 29252 kenbunny@comcast.net 7/15/2011
616 Mensinger Mike  Dawn Jun 54 Jun 56 x mmensinger@sbcglobal.net Mensinger Mike 7018 N. Park Ridge Court Riverbank CA 95367  209-869-4471 9/10/2006
9146 Merana  Fred (deceased) P Phyllis x 56 x 57 Able & Dog   FMERANA@aol.com Merana Phyllis 412 East Street  N. E. Vienna VA 22180-3576  703-281-6648  12/13/2017
98042 Merchant Grady (deceased) x 53 x 54 x 6/10/2008
498 Merklein Frank J x 55 x x SSGT (602)883-2241      602-883-2241
60xx Messer William M x 60 x x 20250 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
60xx Meyers Julian F x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
61xx Micali Joseph x 61 Dec 61 29251 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
5657 Mickley Carl, Jr R x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
9105 Mickulick  Joe (deceased) Eleanor tour2 x 61 x 64 x retired in Auld Riekie - no email
9105 Mickulick  Joe (deceased) Eleanor tour1 x 56 x 59 Morse Int Op - Dog Flt   retired in Auld Riekie - no email Mickulick Eleanor 25 Bughtlin Park Edinburgh, Scotland UK EH12 BUR 0131-539-4589 5/2/2018
55xx Midgett  Paul L x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
98045 Miles Burt (deceased) x 53 x 55 x per Woody Woodward 8/8/2008
499 Miles Rudy x 61 Apr 62 29252 (303)364-8428 Miles Rudy 13094 East Dakota Ave. Aurora CO 80012  303-364-8428
713 Millard Darrel Linda Apr 64 May 65 29251 Baker Flt dnlmillard@juno.com Millard Darrel 1550 Iroquois Dr NE Solon IA 52333 7/1/2009
205 Miller Dan Irene Apr 61 May 64 292x0 on A ble Flt caledonia@bresnan.net Miller Dan 1319 High Street Great Falls MT 59405  406-727-4894 2/27/2007
5657 Miller Donald E x  56 Jan 57 47250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
777 Miller Floyd C Emily (deceased) Jan  63 Mar 65 292x2 D Flt fcmeam@att.net 10/2/2011
257 Miller Fred  W Betty Jan 60 Dec 62 Electronic Supply fredwmiller@webtv.net     bad address       3/27/2008
61xx Miller George D x 61 Jun 62 73250 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
5657 Miller John M x  56 Jan 59 70010 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
813 Miller Leroy T x 58 Apr 62 70250 emiller6@satx.rr.com 5/5/2014
a19 Miller Tom and Elizabeth Miller Tom and Elizabeth 16543 Inwood Cove San Antonio TX 78248 2/17/2005
300 Milliman Jim (Red) Aug 60 Aug 63 Accounting/Finance Millimanrosler@aol.com Milliman Jim (Red) 83 Carrisbrooke Ln Winston-Salem NC 27104  336-473-3568 11/9/2008
500 Million Sloan F Mary lou x 58 x 61 x (480)984-3616 Million Sloan 8865 E. Baseline Rd. #804 Mesa AZ 85208  480-984-3616
804 Mills Bobby D x 62 x 66 Materiel staticpine@aol.com 7/13/2013
a60 Mills Brett (son of Bobby Mills)           staticpine@icloud.com) 7/13/2013
61xx Mills Charles L x 61 Oct 62 30452 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
6162 Mills Guy W x 61 x x 62250 various orders 61-62
55xx Mills  James T x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
98019 Minton John (deceased) S x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55 6/9/2008
5657 Mireles Roberto x  56 Dec 57 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
501 Molinaro James x 56 Sep 58 29331 jimmolinaro112@yahoo.com Molinaro James 813 Sleepy Hollow Rd. Pittsburgh PA 15234  412-563-1209 8/22/2008
61xx Monroe Louis, Jr x 61 x x 62350 6952nd orders 31-May-61
3 Montague  George  B Jun 53 Jun 56 x   gbm6994@bigpond.net.au Montague George 160 Minchin Drive Minchinbury, NSW AUS 02770 >029832198 3/27/2003
a53 Monteiro Jackie (wife of the late John Monteiro) kohliebea@yahoo.com Orangevale CA 9/14/2011
9502 Monteiro John (deceased)  Jackie x 62 x x x C Flt               6/9/2008
65xx Montgomery Billy M x 65 x x x SO P-9 7Jan65
55xx Mooers  Richard H x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
503 Moore Forrest Joy x x x x x unknown Moore Forrest 1905 Easy Street Arlington TX 76013
5657 Moore Glenn W x  56 Sep 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Moore James R x 61 Sep 62 30452 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
98082 Moore Selden (deceased) G x 64 x x x Special Order TA-56 and son's update VA 4/22/2018
745 Moore William (Mike) Jan 56 Dec 58 7535th, Finance/Payroll MIXTER@webtv.net St. Peters MO 7/17/2010
9077 Moore  Bob  (deceased) P Jul 54 Sep 56 203x0                 12/3/2008
9063 Moore  Dave (deceased) L Dorothy tour2 x 62 x 65 292x1   kirkscot57@aol.com 2/22/2001
9063 Moore  Dave (deceased)  L Dorothy tour1 x 55 x 59 292x1   kirkscot57@aol.com Moore Dorothy 8326 Copperside Dr. Converse TX 78109  210-566-5477 4/2/2013
44 Moore  John (JJ) J Margaret tour2 Mar 61 Mar 64 Baker then Charlie   n3dhl@hotmail.com Moore John (JJ) 506 Ohio Ave North Wildwood NJ 08260-3023  609-729 2947 summer address 9/18/2007
44 Moore  John (JJ)  J  Margaret tour1 Jun 57 Sep 58 Baker then Charlie   n3dhl@hotmail.com Moore John (JJ) 3 Walter Scott Avenue Edinburgh, Scotland UK EH16 5RH 131 664 3324 winter address 9/18/2007
55xx Moore  Robert P x 55 x x 1/LT SO #74 7May55
5657 Moores Richard H x  56 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Moorman Walter E x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
104 Morales  Reynaldo (Rey) L Jane A. x 53 x 56 Able Flt   nfn24659@naples.net Morales Rey  3239 Benicia Ct. Naples FL 34109-1367  239-594-2288 1/5/2006
5657 Moran Charles R x 56 x x 20250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
65xx Morgan John E x 65 x x x SO AB-1 20Jan65
504 Morphey Roger A   x x x x x (909)681-2793 Morphey Roger 6060 Grinell Dr. Riverside CA 92509  909-681-2793
9609 Morris Fred (deceased) Elma Nov 61 Feb 64 Finance Office elma.morris@btopenworld.com Morris Elma 204 Whitby Road Ruislip, Middx UK HA4 9DY    7/13/2010
64xx Morris Harold G x 64 x x Z29251 SO P-18 6Feb64
505 Morris James E Dora x 55 x x x jim_morris@ici.com Morris James 10849 N.W. 23rd Ct. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33322  954-742-4360
202 Morris James N Helen Jun 64 Jun 65 202 on Dog Flt jnmorris@modwest.com     10/6/2009
98133 Morrison  Jesse(deceased) O Joan x  56 Nov 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56, obituary San Antonio TX 2/4/2024
55xx Morron  Morris B x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
6163 Morton Clayton G x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
55xx Morton  Thoomas, Jr E x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
9824 Moses Robert (deceased) B x  56 x 59 202 updated per his daughter 6/26/2016
55xx Moss Delbert F x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
506 Moss Robert D x 60 x 66 x (407)277-6370 Moss Robert 7730 Liverpool Blvd. Orlando FL 32807  407-277-6370
9098 Motz  Al (deceased) F Shirley tour1 x 55 x 59 Charlie Flt   shirley_motz@yahoo.com Motz Shirley 207 Meadow Glen Rd. San Antonio TX 78227  210-673-8355 1/2/2019
9098 Motz  Al (deceased) F Shirley tour2 x 63 x 65 Charlie Flt   shirley_motz@yahoo.com 1/2/2019
818 Mozelewski Jerry   Lily Sep 62 Dec 64 292x1 Baker Flt rammo@comcast.net CO 80134 303-840-4418 5/22/2015
98100 Mulgrew Arthur (deceased) x x Dec 54 7535th per grave headstone in Scotland 7/21/2020
19 Mullican  Joe  E Isabella (Deceased) Jun 56 Oct 59 Dog Flt   jmulli3625@aol.com Mullican Joseph 615 Meadow Dr. D'Iberville MS 39540-3619  228-392-6384 12/12/2010
507 Murphy Gene Juanita (Deceased) x x x x x (830) 538-3180 Murphy Gene 803 LaFayette Castroville TX 78009  830-538-3180
5657 Murphy Raymond, Jr A x  56 Sep 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
682 Murray Alan Geri Jan 61 Dec 62 Morse Int Operator, Dog myrreg@aol.com Murray Alan 3000 Pioneer Avenue SE Cedar Rapids IA 52403 5/12/2008
64xx Murray Richard C x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
508 Murray Thomas   Mary x 65 x x x TOMART123@aol.com              702-255-5458 2/3/2006
6264 Myers Freeman x 62 x 64 x1 D Flt posted picture
509 Myers Phillip x x x x x unknown Myers Phillip 6574 Beech Trail Drive Converse TX 78109
5657 Nagy Edward W x  56 May 59 30432A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Napier Lebrun x 60 x x 64650 6952nd orders 29-Feb-60 12/26/2010
98085 Nawadny Daniel (deceased) O Claire x  55 Aug 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 & obituary Baton Rouge LA 5/7/2018
98020 Naylor Charles (deceased) x x x x x 6/9/2008
a21 Neal Liz Neal Liz 161 Quiet Water Ct. Annapolis MD 21403-2756
510 Nease Sue Sue x 59 x 62 x (281)437-3741 Nease Sue 3411 Crow Valley Drive Missouri City TX 77459  281-437-3741
98084 Nechvatal Frank (deceased) E x  56 Nov 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 &Linda Moses 5/3/2018
229 Nehring George  Mar 59 Apr 62 Y20250,  B Flt GrgNhrng@msn.com     12/19/2006
225 Nelke Franklin  D Frances x 60 Mar 63 292x1  fnelke@sbcglobal.net Nelke Franklin 2810 S. 34th St. Fort Smith AR 72903  479-646-0811 11/19/2007
216 Nelson Dale  Peggy Jul 55 Jun 58 Top Secret Control dnel60@mchsi.com     1/4/2004
55xx Nelson  Richard D x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
9293 Nevola Paul (deceased)  T Jun 60 Jun 63 202 Charlie Trick         Cranston RI 02910 8/10/2020
9599 Newell Roger (deceased) C Beverly Jul 62 Jul 64 Non Morse Intercept Operator rogercnewell38@gmail.com Newell Beverly 1303 Swan Pointe Blvd Louisville KY 40243  502-254-3381 10/9/2015
98021 Newman David (deceased)  J x 55 x 58 30352 6/9/2008
6162 Newton Joseph L x 61 x x 20250 various orders 61-62
6162 Newton Ronald E x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
a30 Newton, III William (Bill) A (Son of William Newton, Jr, MD (64-66) deceased- 1977) billnewton@earthlink.net Newton, III William (Bill) 3103 Tecumseh Court Missouri City TX 77459 2/1/2007
98022 Newton, Jr, MD William (deceased) A x 64 x 66 Medical Officer 9/17/2015
511 Nichols Carl x x x x x unknown Nichols Carl 400 Graceland Drive Geneva AL 36340
512 Nichols Dean x x x x Base Supply udeanichols@yahoo.com Nichols Dean P.O. Box 3873 Crossville TN 38557 931-260-1286 9/4/2009
60xx Nichols Harold L x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
758 Nichols James W May 62 Apr 65 70250 Days jwdime@gvtc.com Nichols James 304 Deer Valley St Canyon Lake TX 78133 830-899-7981 2/13/2011
129 Nichols  Richard (Nick)  E Sheena Jan 60 Dec 62 292x2 Charlie   leithdocks@hotmail.com Nichols Richard (Nick) 3722 High Meadow Drive San Angelo TX 76904  325-947-1490 6/1/2004
791 Nida Ronald (John) J Sep 61 Jan 64 292x1 C Flt nida1755@gmail.com Nida John 1755 Davis Drive Merritt Island FL 32952 321-454-7348 321-507-6418 6/28/2012
55xx Nieves  Buenaventura x 54 x x x SO #74 7May55
5657 Niles Leslie J x  56 Aug 58 77150 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Noble John R x  56 x x Y29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Noblitt Jack E x  56 Aug 57 23270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
65xx Noel Harry C x 65 x x 1st Sgt Scotsman Dec 23, 1965 9/17/2015
513 Noone Al x x x x x anoone@triad.rr.com    
61xx Norris Charles L x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
514 Norris William x x x x x (702)648-9249 Norris William 3122 Gilmore Ave. West North Las Vegas NV 89032  702-648-9249
828 North  James Mar 6x Sep 62 Morse Intercept Operator from "Together We Served" website 1/4/2017
470 Northcutt  Catherine   x 55 x 57 x auldreekie@cafes.net Northcutt Catherine 334 Crimson Drive Winchester TN 37398  931-967-8480
160 Northcutt  Freddie  M Feb 55 Feb 58 Dental Clinic   northcutt37@woh.rr.com Northcutt Freddie 3871 Robertann Dr. Dayton OH 45420   2/25/2008
98023 Northcutt  Thomas (deceased) L x 54 x 57 29351 6/9/2008
64xx Norton  Billy G x 64 x x TSGT SO P-51 10Jun64
9062 Norton  Norman (deceased) J Bettie x 53 x 56 Able Flt   njnorto@attglobal.net Bettie Norman 514 Ruddy Turnstone Kiawah Island SC 29455  843-768-8496 8/7/2021
6162 Noseworthy Richard A x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
270 Nosko Ray Sandi x 65 x close x RaynbinK@aol.com     2/11/2002
61xx Nowak Thomas J x 61 Apr 62 20250 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
200 Nunn Jay  F Leah Jan 59 Oct 61 Non-morse Int, C Flt JNunn71064@aol.com     1/11/2001
64xx Nyhus Richard D x 64 x x 64250 Store Specialist SO P-52 12June64
98048 O'Berry Ken (deceased) Aug 57 x 59   9/18/2009
9825 O'Briant Cody (deceased) M Emma (deceased) x 62 x 65 Mess Sgt vobiriant@yahoo.com O'Briant Vicki (daughter) 8/25/2015
61xx O'Brien Joseph F x 61 Feb 62 64750 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
61xx Ocasio Ramon x 61 Apr 62 29252 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
223 O'Connor Michael (Mike)  J Judy x 53 x 57 D Trick moconnor@stny.rr.com O'Connor Michael 132 Earl Rd. Vestal NY 13850  607-729-4274 9/11/2004
5657 O'Daniel Marcus A x  56 Oct 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
a20 O'Donnell Kathleen O kcod59@yahoo.com               1/19/2009
a22 Oehler Nancy Oehler Nancy 507 Inspiration Dr. San Antonio TX 78228-1831
55xx Ogden  Davo, Jr A x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
595 Okenfuss Max J Jun 58 May 60 x okenfuss@wustl.edu Okenfuss Max  212 River Bend Drive Chesterfield MO 63017  314-935-5460 6/24/2004
593 Olds Malcolm x 61 x 62 x (504)657-5371               4/22/2008
9750 O'Leary John (Guy) (deceased) G x  56 Oct 58 29351 per others 10/11/2010
a57 O'Leary Mike (Son of John (Guy) O'Leary) mickeyoleary@yahoo.com Oconomowoc WI 414-305-1961 5/14/2012
63xx Olecik Walt x 63 x x x 8/7/2008
9020 Oleson  Roger (deceased)  M Helen (deceased) tour1 Nov 53 Mar 57 Baker Flt            Anchorage AK       12/12/2023
9020 Oleson  Roger (deceased)  M Helen (deceased) tour2 Nov 59 Nov 62 Able Flight     12/22/2003
5557 Olson Arnold C x  55 Mar 57 73250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
598 Olson Bernard (Buz) x 58 x 61 x bolson@merr.com Olson Bernard (Buz) 365 Fir Lane Marshall WI 53559-9229  608-655-3028 5/26/2004
98024 Olson Phil (deceased) x 59 x 62 6/9/2008
59xx Olson Rudolph V x 59 x x 29231 6952nd orders 28-Jul-59 12/26/2010
55xx O'Malley  Thomas R x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55
5557 O'Meara Adrian L x  55 Mar 57 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
419 O'Neal Billie  J x x x x x  (601)428-1774 or (601)580-1429 O'Neal Billie 74 Robert Walters Rd Laurel MS 39443-7360  601-428-1774
55xx Ordway  Peter x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
65xx O'Risky Gary x 65 x x x from picture 2/27/2002
55xx Ormand  James, Jr F x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
9262 Oros David (deceased)  J Joan Sep 59 Sep 64 Operations zocor@earthlink.net Oros Joan 5518 Crystal Valley San Antonio TX 78242 4/20/2006
64xx Osborne Robert W x 64 x x x SO P-51 10Jun64
5657 Ostrander Gerald, Jr A x  56 Apr 57 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Ottesen Thomas P x 61 x x 20250 SO Number B-96
9652 Overstreet Larry (deceased) Valerie Aug 56 Jan 60 202 on D, then A, then B x Overstreet Valerie 3781 Flynn Dr Pearl MS 39208  601-932-4397 5/29/2014
61xx Owens Edward g x 61 x x 29232 SO Number B-96
5557 Owens Keith N x  55 Dec 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
515 Owsley Robert x x x x x rcowsley@aol.com Owsley Robert 4017 Brookmoor St. Arlington TX 76016  817-654-3604
516 Ozanne Urban, Jr B Jul 54 Feb 57 1/LT OIC Ops-4A uozanne@mailer.fsu.edu Ozanne Urban 6210 Velda Dairy Rd Tallahassee FL 32309 4/10/2005
517 Ozment Donald L x x x x x fodo1@isbe.accessus.net Ozment Donald 1105 N. Logan St. Marion IL 62959-2421  618-997-2421
55xx Pace  James A x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
9612 Paciotti Richard (deceased) W Patricia Nov 63 Jul 65 29251   Patricia Richard 208 Roosevelt Ave Eveleth MN 55734  218-744-3578 7/1/2018
87 Page  George M Pauline tour1 Sep 55 Sep 59 Adjutants Off - Civil Engineering   gpage8@satx.rr.com Page George 4501 Black Woods San Antonio TX 78249  210-536-2209 1/3/2012
87 Page  George  M Pauline tour2 Jun 63 Jun 66 Adjutants Off - Civil Engineering   gpage8@satx.rr.com
5657 Parish William J x 56 x x 64131 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
64xx Park  Wilson J x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
55xx Parker Carlton E x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55
5657 Parker Henry D x  56 Aug 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
518 Parker Jerry x x x x x (314) 388-3373 Parker Jerry 2179 Old Manor Rd. St. Louis MO 63136  314-388-3373
60xx Parker Robert H x 60 x x 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
9519 Parnes Norman (deceased)  T Jo x x x x x         Washington DC    202-829-4579 2/3/2006
55xx Parr Wendell R x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
98025 Parrish Fred (deceased) O x 52 x x Major SO #74 7May55 - Executive Officer 6/9/2008
188 Patterson Ed  x 61 x 65 29252/29130 Able Flt jjcaz@flash.net     12/12/2000
8141 Patterson Jim x 53 x x per Eddie Dee 4/29/2024
311 Patterson Phillip (Phil)  E Moira Jun 57 Nov 58 Radio Operator ppatter3@texas.net Patterson Phil 6300 Welles Brook Dr. San Antonio TX 78240-2107  210-694-4439 6/22/2003
55xx Patton  Gene E x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55
55xx Paul Michael M x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
9520 Payne Joseph (deceased)   Shirley x 61 x 64 x                410-672-3648 2/3/2006
5657 Paynter Luther R x  56 x x 29270 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
6162 Pearson David A x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
5557 Pearston Alan B x  55 x x 30452A 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Peaslee Ralph L x  56 Jun 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Peeler Norman L x  56 Dec 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
207 Pelham Barney  W Jan x 61 x 64 C Flt pelhb@yahoocom Pelham Barney 8 Camp Drive Westcliffe CO 81252  719-783-0577 7/10/2014
5657 Pendleton Zack x  56 Feb 58 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
63xx Penman Tom J x 63 Sep 63 Y20250 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
279 Penney Dick     Jan 57 Dec 59 Morse Intercept, Easy Flt smile@capecod.net     4/5/2002
59xx Penney Rocjard L x 59 Jan 61 29251 6952nd orders 07-May-59
338 Penry Robert (Bob) Mary Ann Jun 65 Jan 66 70250 Top Secret Control bob.penry@thepenry.net     4/23/2004
63xx Pepe David J x 63 x x Delta Flt per photo 7/24/2011
55xx Perdue  John W x 55 x x Captain, OIC Ops-2 SO #74 7May55
55xx Perry Dale E x  55 x x 29351 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
521 Peters Wilmer   x x x x x (757) 545-2135              757-545-2135 2/3/2006
9522 Peterson Olaf (deceased)  Valeta x 55 x 59 Adjutant (425) 771-7838 Peterson Mrs. V. 7825 196th St. S. W.  Apt. C Edmonds WA 98026-6529  425-771-7838
61xx Peterson Roger H x 61 Oct 61 64750 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
523 Peterson Saundra x 59 x 63 x KalinkaKat@aol.com Peterson Saundra P.O. Box 1047 Allyn WA 98524-1047  206-275-8009
798 Pfeifer Albert (Len) L Apr 59 Nov 60 29251 Baker trick APfe429921@aol.com Pfeifer Albert 9023 Ashmeade Dr Fairfax VA 22032-1438 703-323-0764 4/3/2013
55xx Phillips Bernard D x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
6162 Phillips Irving E x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
9232 Phillips John (deceased) E Elma Jul 53 Jun 56 Intercept Operator philips4@cox.net Philips Elma 6521 S. 111th E. Ave. Tulsa OK 74133  918-252-5156 2/2/2016
93 Phipps  Perry  Pat Dec 60 Dec 61 X1 C  Flt                   12/27/2007
61xx Pickard Billy G x 61 x x 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
9524 Pierantoni Robert (deceased) J Davina (Diane) x 61 x 64 20250 (915)774-0440 Pierantoni Diane 3702 Old Post Road San Angelo TX 76904  325-774-0440 1/10/2012
5657 Pierce Clifton L x  56 Apr 57 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Pike Enoch D x  56 Sep 57 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5557 Pilling William T x  55 Jan 57 20270 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
6xxx Pitman John x 6x x x x per others 7/21/2019
55xx Pits Billy E x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
775 Plaskett Lawrence E x 58 x 61 Non morse Operator lplaskett@msn.com Plaskett Lawrence 800 4th St, SW, Apt 413North Washington DC 20024 202-863-2665 9/3/2011
711 Platt Alan x 62 x 63 x arbajudge490@comcast.net 5/28/2009
35 Plunkett  Mike  D Joan x 56 x 58 x   mtchs@msn.com               4/22/2008
98087 Poff Leslie (deceased) D Jean (deceased) x 55 x x 29370 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57 & obituary Annapolis MD 10/21/2018
55xx Pointer Robert S x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
98068 Pointer Thomas (deceased) Dec 62 x x x per Barbara Bolton 6/2/2012
64xx Points Ronald W x 64 x x x SO P-18 6Feb64
60xx Politis John x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
55xx Polke  John C x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
763 Polosky Robert (Bob) Alice Jun 62 Feb 66 Air Police, C Flt aliski@msn.com Polosky Bob 18342 Floralton Drive Spring Hill FL 34610 727-856-2654 4/20/2011
61xx Polumbo David J x 61 Feb 62 29252 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
654 Poma Gene Carmen x 53 Dec 54 Crypto, C Trick gpoma@dc.rr.com Poma Gene 45-483 Espinazo Indian Wells CA 92210  760-360-2315 11/8/2006
55xx Pontier Robert W x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
677 Pool William Susan x 62 Nov 65 Medic, Dispensary bill.pool@kiva.net Pool William 355 E. Pool Rd Morgantown IN 46160 1/27/2008
55xx Porter Jay  R x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
55xx Porter Jimmie D x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
9323 Porter Mel (deceased) M Mona Jun 62 Apr 65 Able Flt           Mansfield OH 44907   3/24/2021
55xx Potter  Lee R x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
701 Potts Jack B Judith (deceased) x 61 x 63 56330 pottsjack@bellsouth.net Louisville KY 40291 502-231-8109 2/3/2011
60xx Powel James T Apr 60 x x 29251 6938th orders 4-Apr-60
6162 Powell Edward L x 61 x x 47151 various orders 61-62
208 Powell Thomas Donna Aug 60 Jan 63 202 on E & A Flt tdpowell@bellsouth.net     1/24/2001
9203 Powers Edwin (deceased)  F Catherine Dec 54 May 57 x herbmaster07@yahoo.com Powers Catherine 396 Hermitage Rd. Gahanna OH 43230-2862  614-475-5807 1/18/2008
55xx Pownall Ronald H x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
98094 Praskach  Harvey (deceased) L Mary Nel x 54 x x 292xx, A Flt SO #74 7May55, others, obituary Sewickley PA 11/26/2019
98143 Prater Frank(deceased) W Helen x 61 x x 6952nd orders 27-Aor-61, obit CT  6/17/2024
98054 Price Clifford (deceased) B Aug 52 x 54 M/Sgt mos 542 5/14/2009
a59 Price Michael (Son of M/Sgt Clifford Price (52-54) deceased - 1955) mwprice49@embarqmail 7/10/2013
a43 Price Paul (Son of M/Sgt Clifford Price (52-54) deceased - 1955) paulprice2004@yahoo.com 9/14/2011
30 Price  Bobby  N x 64 x 66 207 on Baker Flt   bobbyteach@aol.com Price Bobby 11706 British Arms San Antonio TX 78251  210-523-7657 12/31/2000
264 Price  Earnie  P Margaret Jun 56 Apr 59 C Flt eppricej@msn.com Price Earnie 2557 Vireo Ct. Odenton MD 21113-3644  410-672-5727 5/1/2006
826 Primeaux Emile (Ray) R Nov 59 Aug 61 29232, A Flt rayprimeaux@gmail.com 11/9/2016
59xx Pritchett David P x 59 Apr 62 29232 6952nd orders 07-May-59
195 Prohaska Al  Nov 62 Nov 65 Teletype Repair, Easy Flt cjalpro@ameritech.net     12/21/2000
55xx Pryor Richard   x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
5557 Puckett Robert L x  55 Sep  58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
55xx Pulliam  Robert x 55 x x 1/LT OIC Ops-4 SO #74 7May55
55xx Pursell  Raymond, Jr x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
9037 Purser  Charles (deceased)  E Janet Jan 61 Jan 64 Charlie Flt   charlespurser@att.net Purser Janet 112 Oldefield Lane Garner NC 27529  919-779-5888 919-539-0482 1/24/2013
55xx Quigg  Albert H x 55 x x TSGT SO #74 7May55
55xx Raines George, Jr J x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
639 Ramsdell Robert (Bob) A Thelma Aug 56 May 60 Morse Intercept, Dog Flt   Ramsdell Robert (Bob) 3741 Falcon Dr Bellevue NE 68123  402-291-8185 2/4/2006
5557 Rankin Robert D x  55 x x Y20330-1 SO #74 7May55
525 Ransom Elizabeth (Betty)   x x x x 6 years rrransom@icsi.net Ransom Elizabeth (Betty) 263 CR 6815 Natalia TX 78059  830-665-2659
98026 Ransom Russell (deceased) R x x x x x 6/9/2008
55xx Rarclay  Ronald W x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
5657 Rau Robert H x 56 x x 20250 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
655 Rautenberg Norm Diane x 59 x 61 Non Morse Intcpt, D & B  nrautenberg@metrocast.net Rautenberg Norm 5 Norma's Lane Wolfeboro NH 03894  603-569-0119 11/10/2006
5657 Ray Albert D x  56 Dec 58 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
811 Ray Jerry C Oct 57 Oct 62 29252 jerryray@sbcglobal.net 3/29/2014
55xx Ray Leonard C x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
5657 Ray Robert L x  56 May 58 70250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
526 Rearick John M x 55 x x x (517)265-6463              517-265-6463 2/3/2006
9021 Reasor  Chuck (deceased) K Jan Nov 53 Dec 54 Charlie Trick         Morro Bay CA 93442-1660  805-772-4952 8/24/2018
527 Reckendorf Frank F Elisabeth (Elisa) x 53 x 54 x   Reckendorf Frank 950 Market St., NE Salem OR 97301  503-364-6681
228 Reddan Bill  J Marina Jul 62 Jan 64 Dawg Flt wreddan@cox.net Reddan William  10830 Santa Clara Dr. Fairfax VA 22030-4463  703-691-0298 11/7/2007
55xx Redman  Marlin H x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
528 Redmon Helen R x 58 x 62 x (210)684-3591 Redmon Helen 7014 Forest Moss San Antonio TX 78240  210-684-3591
98027 Redmon Patrick (deceased) J x 61 x x 77150 6/9/2008
5657 Reed James E x 56 x x 29331 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
64xx Reed James R x 64 x x TSGT SO P-18 6Feb64
133 Reed  Bernard (Bernie) Mar 59 Feb 63 Charlie, 29251  K493    
5657 Reeder Thomas F x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
529 Reeser Willis (Bill) E Nancy x 56 x 58 x nbreeser@peoplepc.com Reeser Willis (Bill) 6087 16th Lane N.E. St. Petersburg FL 33703  727-525-3646
9530 Register Robert (deceased) E Cathy x 53 x 56 x per obituary Register Cathy 3838 Boyd Circle Oxford FL 34484   7/4/2022
6162 Reingold Roger H x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
670 Rennie Douglas S May 59 May 61 Dental Technician dougrenn@comcast.net Rennie Doug 5630 Piping Rock DR Boynton Beach FL 33437 561-602-5796 6/6/2007
61xx Restelli Victor P Jul 57 May 61 29231 6952nd orders 04-Apr-61 12/25/2010
531 Reuther  George, Jr D Delores (Dee) x 53 x 56 x dandee@nexet.net Reuther, Jr.  George 9 Out of Bounds Rd. Palmyra VA 22963  804-589-6672
5657 Revere Joseph W x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98057 Rhodes Thomas (deceased) J Arlene Nov 55 Nov 58 Heavy Equip. Opr/Mechanic 6/7/2010
98055 Ribolini Augustine (deceased) Mar 61 x x Ditty bopper 9/18/2009
63xx Ricard Robert J x 63 May 63 29251 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
55xx Rice Albert D x 55 x x MSGT SO #74 7May55
130 Rice  James (Jim) R Pearl Y.  Jan 54 Dec 57 X2 Baker   jimpearl_2000@yahoo.com Rice James P.O. Box 401 Citrus Heights CA 95611  916-726-2332 2/21/2001
322 Rice  William (Bill)   Jun 62 Jun 65 Intercept technician Billrice37@comcast.net     11/23/2003
55xx Richard John, Jr J x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
60xx Richards Arthur R x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 15-Sep-60 12/26/2010
5557 Richardson Arthur D x  55 Oct 57 30472 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
60xx Richardson Carlton G x 60 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 12/26/2010
98027 Richardson Vernell (deceased) x 61 Nov 62 70250 6/9/2008
5657 Riddle Murray D x  56 Jul 59 29331 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Rider Lloyd H x  56 Aug 58 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
827 Ridlehoover John Jacqueline Feb 58 Mar 59 293x1 Dog Trick johnrinpa22@gmail.com Ridlehoover John 34 Dresner Circle Upper Chichester PA 19061 12/1/2016
761 Riehl Robert (Bob) L Mar 60 Feb 63 47151 oldlady43@ptc.net Riehl Bob   1270 Broadway Rc Milton PA 17847 570-742-4587 3/6/2011
5657 Riera Aldo x  56 Nov 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
64xx Rietema Larry F x 64 x x x SO P-51 10Jun64
55xx Riley  John R x 55 x x SSGT SO #74 7May55
a48 Rintoul Elizabeth (Betty) (7535th Secretary to Peters, Ulrich, Orn, Caporale, Matsumoto and Van Cleave (1952-1957)) 11/23/2009
71 Ritter  Don  H Pat x 54 x x A Flt   dpritr@comcast.net Ritter Don 3912 Brigadoon Dr. S. E. Olympia WA 98501  360-943-7278 9/5/2006
233 Ritter  John L Jul 60 Apr 64 202 Easy Flt jritter16@who.rr.com Ritter John 424 Joellen Pl. Union  OH 45322-8769  937-832-4748 9/13/2010
640 Rivard Norman. (Ted) T Arlene x 61 x 63 292x1 Charlie trick   Rivard Norman 3529 W. Camino de Caliope Tucson AZ 85741  520-579-7097 2/5/2006
9288 Rivera Ramon (Ray)(deceased) Joan x 58 x 63 29272 rayrivera-1@msn.com Rivera Joan 1303 Ponderosa Pine Lane Carrollton TX 75007  972-492-2115 4/13/2018
532 Roberson Neal T x x x x x (828)287-3983 Roberson Neal 1001 Rock Rd. Rutherfordton NC 28139  828-287-3983
796 Roberts Billie Ann Apr 61 Apr 62 Special Services billiejoebob37@yahoo.com Roberts Billie 2790 Harvieland Rd, PO Box 229 Frankfort KY 40601 502-229-0778 2/14/2019
55xx Roberts Harry G x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
5657 Roberts James A x  56 Jun 59 29351Y 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Roberts Marion L x  56 Jan 57 30452B 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
642 Robertson Carl J Jun 59 Jun 61 Delta Flt Comm Center carlr1915@sbcglobal.net Robertson Carl 3339 Sundale Rd Columbus OH 43232  614-837-6443 3/7/2006
61xx Robertson Charles L x 59 Apr 62 29252 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
687 Robertson William C x 62 x 66 x probertson@gmail.com 8/1/2008
55xx Robichaud Harold J x 55 x x 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
55zz Robins Clarence A x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
65xx Robinson David C x 65 x x x SO AB-1 29Jan65
276 Robinson George (Robbie)  Joy Apr 58 Oct 61 292x1 Delta Flt RGranpa1@peoplepc.com     10/12/2006
5657 Rocker John W x  56 Jan 59 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
9533 Rockwell Rudolph (deceased) J x 54 x 57 292xx                 1/14/2006
838 Rockwood George x 56 x 58 x per Dale Nelson 5/5/2020
245 Rodriguez Reyes J Mary (deceased)   Dec 57 Apr 60 Non-morse Int,  rodriguez.reyes17@yahoo.com Rodriquez Reyes 401 East Atlas Cedar Place Sahuarita AZ 85629 520-306-1732 1/8/2011
793 Roeder Lyman C Oct 60 May 63 29252 39lyman@gmail.com MN 12/20/2017
9534 Roerick Larry (deceased) L Janet (deceased) x x x x x         Bowie MD 20715   5/23/2021
6162 Rogalinger John, Jr L x 61 x x x various orders 61-62
5557 Rogers Kenneth R x  55 Jan 57 29370 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
22 Romary  Frank  E Mary Jan 59 Jul 63 292x1 Able Flt   KirkRAF@RomCom.org Romary Frank 53 Northshore Drive Burlington VT 05408-1261  802-865-9804 10/3/2006
735 Roper Nicholas (Nick) J Joyce x 56 x x 29331 captnjr@Icloud.com Roper Nick 513 Sixth Street Annapolis MD 21403 2/1/2014
5557 Rose LLoyd J x  55 x x 29370 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
55xx Rosenberg Alan S x 55 x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55
5657 Rounds Clark J x  56 May 59 20330 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
339 Rounsevell Larry  Shirley Sep 53 Jul 56 Intercept & Df. C trick rounsie@live.com Rounsevell Larry 6800 Onge Rd Unit IL 103 Spearfish SD 57783    605-269-1286  9-12-2024
217 Rouse John Eleanor addr2 x 63 x 66 Editor of Scotsman john@rouse.net Rouse John 158, Walter Scott Aveune #4 Edinburgh, Scotland UK EH16 5TJ 8/24/2009
217 Rouse John  Eleanor addr1 x 63 x 66 Editor of Scotsman john@rouse.net Rouse John P.O. Box 790 Bowie MD 20715 301--717-9189 9/5/2009
5657 Roush Gary W x  56 Sep 58 29351 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Rowell Thomas W x 61 Sep 63 29252 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Rowley Stephen, II K x  56 Dec 58 29331
6162 Rowney James R x 61 x x 29252 6952nd orders 15-Jan-61
58xx Rucker Maynard L x 58 x 58 30452A 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
5657 Rudolph Louis   x  56 May 58 70250 various orders 61-62
9258 Ruff Alfred (deceased) B Betty x 52 x 57 Comm center 6952nd orders 31-July-58 Betty Ruff 959 Tradition Club Drive Pawleys Island SC 29585 843-235-2021 5/22/2021
803 Russ Terrell (Terry) Sharon x 58 x 61 30452a Radio Maint. 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 New Port Richey FL 67/13/13
9108 Russel  Earl (deceased) H Junko x 63 x 65 Baker Flt   ABR1213@aol.com             10/4/2010
61xx Russell Glenn A x 61 x x 29251 abbicat2@yahoo.com
57 Russell John B x x x x x   Russell John 2019 E. Holly Ct. Springfield MO 65804-4423  417-883-2752
a37 Russell Patricia (Daughter of William C. Russell (62-66)) 6952nd orders 13-June-61 8/1/2008
5657 Rust John L x  56 Oct 58 29351 (417)883-2752
65xx Ryan Charles W x 65 x x x probertson.russell@gmail.com
98028 Ryan John (deceased) V x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 6/9/2008
537 Ryan Martha x 55 x x x SO AB-1 29Jan65 Ryan Martha 820N Sam Rayburn Freeway # 226 Sherman TX 75090
61xx Ryan Philip G x 61 x x 29231
668 Sabin Daryl L Anne x 60 x 64 Non morse intcpt, C trick  unknown Sabin Daryl 8184 Garfield Road Mentor OH 44060 3/16/2008
5657 Safrit Tommie W x  56 Jul 59 29331 SO Number B-96
60xx Salva Edward, Jr T x 60 x x x annedaryl@sbcglobal.net 12/26/2010
55xx Sampson  Jerome F x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
61xx Sanchez Johnnie x 61 x x x 6952nd orders 13-Oct-60 1/9/2010
61xx Sanders Jeremiah x 61 x x 29251 SO #74 7May55
5557 Sanderson James A x  55 Apr 57 29351 other alumni
59xx Sandness Alvin J x 59 Dec 61 29251 6952nd orders 25-July-61
55xx Sandoval  Federico, Jr R x 55 x x 73230 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
835 Sangimino Dominick Apr 60 Jun 62 29231 6952nd orders 15-May-59 Dominick Santoianni 11017 S 24th St Circle Bellevue NE 68123 11/27/2019
55xx Santoianni Charles C x 55 x x SO #74 7May55 Winthrop MA 02152
55xx Sartin  George, Jr T x 55 x x TSGT dsangimino@cox.net
539 Saunders Jerry x x x x x 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55, people search      724-785-4037
55xx Sauniers  Robert E x 55 x x x SO #74 7May55
540 Savior  Enoch Gussie x 59 x 61 x (724) 785-4037 Savior  Enoch 5106 St. Nicholas San Antonio TX 78228  210-436-0034
61xx Sawyer David M x 61 x x 29231 SO #74 7May55
63xx Sawyer John DS x 63 May 63 29252 EnochSa@aol.com
9541 Schaule William (deceased) Betty (Deceased) x 59 x 62 Mission Supv, A Flt SO Number B-96               1/8/2009
55xx Scheffer  Roy J x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
55xx Schehr Robert L x 55 x x  
60xx Scheibl James J Apr 60 Jum 62 29231 SO #74 7May55
6162 Schiellack Donald W x 61 x x 29252 6952nd orders 08-Feb-55
542 Schleifer George  (Bill)   Betty M. x 56 x 57 x 6938th orders 4-Apr-60              402-691-7953 2/3/2006
61xx Schlink Michel T x 61 x x 29251 various orders 61-62
608 Schmidt William (Bill) F Sharon Jun 61 Jun 64 Personnel (702X0) SchleiferG@aol.com Schmidt William P.O. Box 932 Olla LA 71465  318-495-5471 10/10/2006
98070 Schmiedeberg Edward (deceased) J Marion x 55 x 57 1st Sgt 6952nd orders 13-June-61 3/26/2013
5557 Schneider Gail F   x  55 Apr 57 30452A rustyangel64@yahoo.com
6162 Schneiderman Edwin x 61 x x 77150
64xx Schnepel Frederick W x 64 x x 29231 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
98134 Schope Jack (deceased) x x x x x various orders 61-62
60xx Schreyer John R x 60 x x SO P-52 12June64
649 Schuckert Charles (Chuck) W x 64 x x x death notice 9/20/2006
661 Schuetz Richard Patricia Mar 61 Mar 64 29252 Able Flt 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60 Schuetz Richard 105 North Glendale Ave Coffeyville KS 67337-2005  620-251-4719 1/31/2007
55xx Schuetze  Walter P x 55 x x SSGT chuck37@cox.net
55xx Schumann  James R x 55 x x MSGT rpschuetz@cox.net
65xx Schutz William W x 65 x x x SO #74 7May55
634 Schwarting Roger G Sandra Jul 60 Jul 64 Delta Flt then Analyst (20270)  SO #74 7May55 Schwarting Roger 7140 Oakberry Way Citrus Heights CA 95621  916-725-8510 11/21/2005
5657 Schwartz Howard A x  56 Nov 57 20250 SO AB-1 29Jan65
55xx Schwartz Howard A x 55 x x x scotland@jps.net
705 Schwartz Ronald R Nov 64 Apr 65 Y20250 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 Aldan PA 4/15/2009
9158 Schwartz  Donald (deceased)  R x 53 x 56 Charlie   SO #74 7May55   Donald   Michigan City IN 46360  219-872-2308 7/2/2018
9113 Scothorn  Lloyd (deceased) K x 52 x 54 x rrsmailbox@verizon.net       Tawas City MI 48764 12/14/2015
543 Scott Joseph E x 56 x x x   Scott Joseph 106 Peach Valley San Antonio TX 78227  210-674-4256
55xx Scott Joseph E x 55 x x x  
98029 Scott Richard (deceased) E x x x x x (210)674-4256 6/9/2008
215 Scott  Dean  A x 56 x 57 x SO #74 7May55 Scott Dean 124 Carmel Street Johnstown PA 15902  814-536-2051 3/24/2001
9128 Scott  Donald (deceased)    May 60 May 63 202 Charlie & Days                 11/8/2008
647 Seaborn  John Evelyn Apr 52 Dec 54 Crypto , C & D trick Deanandmindy@cs.com Seaborn John 235 Sardis View Ln Charlotte NC 28270  704-366-5087 12/1/2006
544 Seaborne David x x x x x               2/3/2006
53xx Seal Ken  x x x x x jseaborn@carolina.rr.com 1/14/2015
55xx Seal Ora W x 55 x x TSGT unknown
5657 Sears Ronald E x  56 May 58 20150 from photo
5657 Seay William M x 56 x x 29331 SO #74 7May55
256 Secor Donald G Apr 58 Apr 61 Chief B Flt & Exploitation Off. 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56             2/3/2006
62xx See Melvin L x 62 x x 20330 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57
5657 Seiler John J x 56 x x 29331  
46 Sellers  Sam  Peggy x 53 x 56 Baker Flt   6952nd orders 10-Apr-62 Sellers Sam 1732 Park Ridge Terrace Arlington TX 76012-1913  817-460-2893 2/23/2001
247 Selway Dick A Danni Dec 55 Aug 58 Language DTrick  6952nd orders 01-Jan-57 Selway Richard  127 Via Buena Ventura Redondo Beach CA 90277-5806  310-373-2568 12/31/2001
5557 Serna Pablo x  55 Sep 57 29370 masher@startext.net
629 Settle Earl  Oct 62 May 63 Morse operator DickSelway@aol.com 7/15/2005
679 Seward Jim Mary Feb 64 Apr 66 7535 Dispensary Admin 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 Seward Jim P.O. Box 454 Black Mountain NC 28711-9114  828-669-2281 3/20/2008
6162 Sglallo John x 61 x x x efsettle@hotmail.com
546 Shackelford Thomas, Jr W Carla Jan 54 Jul 56 Com Center mgseward@aol.com Shackelford Thomas 9251 Highway 370E Ripley MS 38663  601-837-9393 5/18/2012
6465 Shannon Terry 64 x x 7535th Dispensary various orders 61-62
721 Sharp Roger L Apr 61 Jan 64 29251 Baker Trick tomw.shackelford@yahoo.com 9/28/2009
9547 Shaughnessy Elbert (deceased) S aka "Bud" x  55 Nov 58 29331 Base Photo       N. Walpole NH 03609   9/22/2015
164 Shaver  Jack  Barbara Feb 57 Aug 58 Able 292x1   r.recoil@sbcglobal.net Shaver Jack 16052-A Deer Ridge Drive Morrison CO 80465  303-697-9794 2/7/2001
55xx Shaw Norman H x 55 x x x  
55xx Shaw Thomas A x 55 x x x jackvshaver@aol.com
5657 Sheak Robert, Jr J x 56 x x 29331 SO #74 7May55
55xx Sheehan Edward J x 55 x x SO #74 7May55
98069 Sheets Millard (deceased) F 53 55 6952nd orders 01-Jan-57 KY 8/15/2012
9785 Sheffield John (deceased) F Almeda Apr 64 Jun 65 29251 Dog flt 6952nd orders 05-Oct-55 Sheffield Almeda 4744 10th St. Ct E Bradenton FL 34203 941-753-5868 6/29/2022
55xx Shelley  Louis, Jr G x 55 x x x per others
650 Shepard Morris (Moe) A x 56 x 59 202  D? Trick per public record Shepherd Morris 22090 Longleaf Trail Drive Bonita Springs FL 34135  239-495-5795 9/24/2006
548 Shepherd Charles E Joan x 59 x 62 x SO #74 7May55 Shepherd Charles Box 805 Lake Havasu City AZ 86403  not given-
717 Sherck Jack Sep 59 May 63 292 Charlie trick morrisshepard@comcast.net Sherck Jack 2228 Fair Road Abilene KS 67410 785-263-3690 7/25/2009
55xx Sherrill  Edward T x 55 x x Crypto Maint Tech unknown
597 Sherwood Robert  I Josetta L. x 60 x 62 Morse Intercept Op, C Flt njsherck@gmail.com Sherwood Robert 4309 Austin Amarillo TX 79110-1702   806-358-2311 5/26/2004
60xx Shield Robert W x 60 x x Admin SO #74 7May55  
64xx Shillady Ronald R x 64 x x x sherwoodartco@earthlink.net
95657 Shoemaker Norman (deceased) K x  56 Jul 57 29270 TSgt 6952nd orders  01-Mar-60
620 Shoemaker Raymond  J Jan 60 Sep 62 292x2  fax section B Flt SO P-52 12June64 P.O. Box 613 Fulton MS 38843 3/11/2005
6162 Shope Jack L x 61 x x x 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
6162 Short Richard G x 61 x x x rayshoe@nexband.com
333 Shovelin Wayne F x 64 x 65 x various orders 61-62     2/24/2004
5657 Shumway Keith L x  56 Apr 59 29250 various orders 61-62
5657 Shutz Terry L x  56 Sep 58 29351  
6162 Sicotte Robert L x 61 x x 30452 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
6162 Sieber John F x 61 x x 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
305 Siebert Bruce K x 62 x 64 Morse Intercept  operator,  all shifts various orders 61-62
305 Siebert Bruce x 62 x 64 Shoemaker     4/2/2003
315 Silmser Robert  Margaret Apr 63 Jul 64 Admin Specialist, Personnel bru472@yahoo.com Silmser Robert 4701 Bear Claw Ct Valrico FL 33594-9320 813-685-3483 5/2/2018
282 Silvia John x 60 Aug 63 Power Plant   Raymond      6/18/2002
9550 Simmons  Roger (deceased) W Audrey x 64 x x x rafkirk64@gmail.com Simmons    Sohn Alloway Rd. Apt 16 Lyons NY 14489-9765   1/17/2023
9681 Simmons (Farmer)  Roger (deceased) W Ann Oct 60 Dec 64 292x1 Dog Flt jsilviajr@yahoo.com Simmons   Ann 9857 W. Marco Polo Rd Peoria AZ 85382-4145 480-220-3144 3/17/2023
55xx Simon Anibal x 55 x x x (315)946-6242
63xx Simoneau Joseph PA x 61 May 63 29252 RASIMM@aol.com
5657 Simonetta Ralph J x  56 Jul 59 29331 SO #74 7May55
55xx Simpson Robert, Jr x 55 x x x 6952nd orders 26-Mar-63
95 Simpson  Charles (Chuck) A (Not Married) Jul 64 Jul 66 202 Flt Ops   6952nd orders 16-Nov-56 Simpson Charles 8104 Meandering Way Austin TX 78759-8613  512-346-8594 6/30/2001
551 Sims Julius x x x x x SO #74 7May55 Sims Julius 4165 Newtowne Drive Powder Springs GA 30127  770-439-7434
98030 Singer Henry (deceased) G x 55 x 58 Supply casautex@swbell.net 6/9/2008
317 Sisterman John  Carol Ann (deceased) Apr 60 Nov 62 292x1, B Flt (770) 439-7434 Sisterman John 7134 Alleghany St. Warrenton VA 20187-4404  540-347-5373 7/29/2013
5557 Sistrunk Harold M x  55 Aug 57 29351
756 Sitkiewicz Larry Diane Dec 61 Nov 63 292x2 Baker Flight jbstn@yahoo.com 12/21/2010
61xx Skains Billie A x 61 x x 6952nd orders 16-Nov-56
643 Skipwith Roger x 59 x 63 Baker Flt RDF azchibear@q.com Skipwith Roger 3039 Williams Blvd Valrico FL 33594 813-681-7975 3/22/2006
64xx Sleaman David L x 64 x x x 6952nd orders 27-Aor-61
552 Sloan George D x x x x x rskip@mail.com Sloan George 7064 Pinecrest St. Melbourne FL 32394
54 Slopek  Henry K Pauline Nov 53 Dec 54 A trick SO P-18 6Feb64 Slopek Henry 17 Waushakum Ave. Ashland MA 01721  508-875-6885 7/23/2011
9553 Slott Bill (deceased)  M Audrey (deceased) x 59 x 62 x unknown       Rapid City SD 57702-3427   9/1/2022
61xx Smart Jesse E x 61 x x 7535th Dispensary gigi2005@verizon.net 12/26/2010